
Update: Hurricane Sandy

Thank you to the Shoaler community for your questions and concerns about Star Island and how it fared in the recent storm.

Before Hurricane Sandy neared Star Island, all island staff were evacuated to the mainland after battening down the hatches

Facilities Superintendent Jack Farrell journeyed out to Star Island today to survey any damage from Hurricane Sandy. He happily reports that Star was miraculously unscathed with very little noticeable damage beyond a missing shingle here or there. Farrell also said that the gangplank, which runs from the pier to the dock during the summer but is stored on the front lawn during the off season, blew into the stone wall of the Caswell family cemetery and a metal railing cracked.

We feel fortunate to have weathered the storm well and send our hearts and prayers to the broader Shoaler community that you, too, were spared any significant loss.