Star Guilford: Rethinking the Small Church Choir

Friday, September 18 to Sunday, September 20

Contact the Registrar

This will be a weekend for directors and singers in small church choirs who are looking for ideas to revitalize their music ministry for worship and end-of-life singing. Peter Amidon (also a music director of the Hallowell hospice chorus), Tony Barrand and Andy Davis, are co-choir directors of the Guilford (VT) Community Church UCC. They will teach four�part SATB songs from their "Nine o' Clock Choir" repertoire, so called because the choir is formed from whomever shows up an hour before Sunday worship. The songs, anthems, and hymns are mostly their own arrangements, primarily drawn from various sources such as ballads, gospel, spirituals, and shape note compositions. All are musical and lyrical, they are sung mostly a cappella, and foster spirit-filled performance. All singers are welcome for a stimulating weekend of group singing. Music reading ability is recommended, but not necessary.

Chair and Registrar: Tony Barrand, Star Guilford, Guilford Community Church UCC, 38 Church Drive, Guilford, VT 05301 (802) 254-8684,

Registration: A room & board deposit of $75.00, and a conference registration fee of $90.00 are due with registration. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to "Star Guilford", registration form, and business-sized SASE to the address above. Registration begins March 10th.

Adult Rates (18+)






Star Guilford






Questions about rates? Contact the conference registrar.