Scholarships And Financial Grants

Conference Scholarships and SIC Financial Grants

All of the Star conferences are to be commended for their vital scholarship programs!

Star Island continues to increase the amount of funds available to conferees in the form of grants*.   The program is confidential in nature, and only a select group has access to grant application information.  Grant awards vary in amount and typically only cover a portion of the room and board charges.

*Star Island uses the word “grant” to indicate financial aid and/or scholarship.

Shared Grant Application

Star Island has implemented an application process in which a conferee can apply for both a Star Island grant and most of the conference-specific grant using one application accessed via the Star Island website.

For more information, see the financial aid page of the website.

Financial Accessibility

For information on how to communicate about financial accessibility and how to make your conference as accessible as possible, please read the Financial Accessibility/Financial Aid resource provided by Star’s Beloved Community Project.

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