2008 Isles of Shoals Historical and Research Association (ISHRA) June Conference

Saturday, June 21 to Wednesday, June 25

Website: www.ishra.org

ISHRA�s June Conference brings together people who enjoy exploring the history, lore and legends of the Isles of Shoals. In keeping with ISHRA�s mission, this adult conference focuses on the sharing and preservation of knowledge about the Isles of Shoal�s cultural history by investigating daily life in communities at the Shoals long ago.

Theme: Shoals Community Life�History in Action

Explore how Gosport villagers lived, worked and socialized on Star Island in centuries past through participatory workshops, seminars and tours. Investigate the overwhelming importance of cod and fishing to the Gosport community as you delve into Shoals maritime history. Tour the island with historic images of the village of Gosport, contrast �then and now� vistas of the Shoals, and build a comparative photo album. Play detective for historical sites and discover where Shoaler families lived and worked. Then relax and roll the dice as Shoalers of the past would have done. Compare the hard-working Shoaler fishing life of the 18th century with the leisure pastimes of resort guests on the Shoals in the 19th century. Discover the famous artists, writers and musicians who visited the Shoals and engage in the lost Victorian art of seaweed pressing. Learn some of the methods by which we know Shoals history, and participate in preserving that history on-site with researchers who will enliven your experience of the Isles. Enjoy traditional Star Island activities: candlelight Chapel services, rowing to Smuttynose, and lounging in a rocking chair on the porch of the Oceanic while imagining that you�re a hotel guest of long ago. The ISHRA Conference is an opportunity to meet and engage with people who share your passion for the incredible history of the Isles of Shoals. If you�ve not yet developed that passion, join us. Once you have, you will come back.

Chair: Ann Beattie, ISHRA, P.O. Box 705, Portsmouth, NH 03802, (603) 778-6480, ishraconf@comcast.net

Registration: A room and board deposit of $75/person and a registration fee of $85/person (ISHRA members) or $95/person (non-members; the additional $10 for non-members equals a one-year membership in ISHRA) are due with registration. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to �ISHRA Conference,� for a total of $160 (members) or $170 (non-members) along with your completed registration form, and a business-sized SASE ($.75) to Amy Cook, ISHRA Conference Registrar, 78 Bedford St. Apt 5, Manchester, NH 03101, (603) 440-8010, ptilota@yahoo.com. Registration begins March 10. Registrations postmarked before then will be treated as if postmarked March 10. Registrations postmarked after March 10 will be accepted, space available, according to postmark date. The room and board deposit and registration fee are refundable until May 10.

Room and Board: Please see 4-night conference rates below: