This ISHRA fall gathering brings together people who delight in exploring the history, lore and legends of the Isles of Shoals. Both new and old Shoalers will enjoy a weekend of casually organized activities. Explore Star Island from both a cultural and natural history viewpoint with nature strolls and Shoals history programs. Take a rowboat trip to Smuttynose Island or watch your friends make the harbor crossing from the comfort of a porch rocking chair. Along with guest speakers and social events, conferees will enjoy a traditional candlelight service in Gosport Chapel.
Registration: A room and board deposit of $75/person and a registration fee of $60/person (ISHRA members) or $70/person (non-members; the additional $10 for non-members equals a one-year membership in ISHRA) are due with registration. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to �ISHRA Conference,� for a total of $135 (members) or $145 (non-members) along with your completed registration form, and a business-sized SASE ($.58) to Rose Schlegel, ISHRA Conference Registrar, 29 Pine Hill Rd., Newburyport, MA 01950, (978) 462-6945, Registration must be received by August 1 to confirm your space. Both the room and board deposit and registration fee are refundable until July 25.
Room and Board: Please see conference rates below. Rates include room and board deposit, but do not include conference registration fee. The balance of room and board charges is payable on-island during your stay.