2008 Life On A Star Family Conference I

Saturday, August 16 to Saturday, August 23

Conference Site: lifeonastar.org

Come to Star this summer to be engaged, with family, friends, conversation or solitude, and the reliable magic that is Star. Sing, dance, play, read, laugh, or simply be. Separate youth programs, for infants through high school, will provide a safe haven for young people to be engaged with each other and the world around them.

Theme: Story Water

Inspired by the Rumi poem, which begins, A story is like water that you heat for your bath. It takes messages between the fire and your skin. It lets them meet and it cleans you!� during this week we will explore stories, ways of using stories to deepen understanding, of discovering truths, and ways that risk influences perception. Our theme speaker, Dr. Joseph Smith, will tell stories from his experience as a scientist, inventor, physician, and medical director of a large medical device company to open the conversation about the complexities of advancing science and managing risk.

Adult workshops will include art and music and more. Check the website for updates. As always, for those who want more, there will be activities for parents and children, a marshmallow roast, tennis, Polar Bear dips, morning and evening candlelight chapel services, a road race, music on the porch, book club, porch crafts, the late-evening Starlight Caf�, a softball game with the Pelicans, evening programs, and other activities to fill your days and evenings. Need less? Sink into an empty rocking chair on the porch, or sit the rocks, and do absolutely nothing. Again, check the website for updates!

Minister: Rev. Leon Dunckley,

Chairs: Martha and Dick Pereli. (781) 608-3079, dickpereli@gmail.com

Registration for LOAS I or LOAS II: A room and board deposit of $150/person and registration fee of $88/adult (18 and over) or $68/child (17 and under) are due with registration. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to "LOAS," your completed registration form, and a business-sized SASE ($.41) to Patti Emmons, LOAS Registrar, 104 Columbine Drive, West Grove, PA 19390, (610) 869-6410, patti@emmons.org. Registration begins on March 10. Registrations postmarked before then will be treated as if postmarked on March 10. Registrations postmarked after March 10 will be accepted, if space is available, according to postmark date. The room and board deposit and registration fee are refundable until July 6.

Scholarships: A scholarship fund is available to give partial grants to those in need of financial aid. Submission of a registration form that includes a scholarship request instead of the room and board deposit and registration fee will not hinder acceptance, as long as it is postmarked by March 10. Contact the registrar for a scholarship form. Information is confidential and awards are granted before the July 6 cancellation deadline.

Room and Board: Please see 7-night conference rates below:

Boat Schedule: LOAS I: Depart Rye Saturday, August 18, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Depart Star Island Saturday, August 25, 8:15 and 10:15 a.m. LOAS II: Depart Rye Saturday, August 25, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Depart Star Island Saturday, September 1, 8:15 and 10:15 a.m.