2008 Star Island Photography Retreat

Thursday, September 11 through Sunday, September 14

Conference Site: nhspa.org

Join members of the New Hampshire Society of Photographs Artists for this 11th annual four-day immersion in fine art photography. Not a workshop, this is an opportunity to share your images with other experienced photographers, to view presentations of various photography techniques, and to be inspired to expand your creative vision. Special guest photographer makes presentation, leads field program. Limited to 35 participants.

Chair and Registrar: Peter E. Randall, 377 Goodwin Road, Eliot, ME 03903. (207) 451-9457. peter@perpublisher.com.

Registration: A room & board deposit of $75/person and registration fee of $75/person (includes $25 dues for non-members, for a couple add $10) are due with registration. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to �NHSPA,� and completed registration form to Peter Randall (address above). The room & board deposit and registration fee are refundable until July 31.

Room and Board: Please see conference rates below.

Boat Schedule: Depart Rye Thursday, September 11, 5:00 p.m. Depart Star Sunday, September 14, 2:30 p.m.