2008 Young Adults Conference (www)

Saturday, June 14 to Saturday, June 21 or

Saturday, June 14 to Wednesday, June 18

Theme: Flocking

YAC is the best way to start your summer! At YAC �young adults� are people in their 20s, 30s and 40s who come together to revel in a community of like-minded souls. We challenge each other to maximize the creations, the conversations, the realizations and the relaxations that can be achieved during our precious time on the island and carried on throughout the year. Workshops offer the opportunity to share your knowledge/talent/obsession or discover a new one. At night kick back and cut loose (because there�s just no party like a �young adults� party)! There will also be time for the quieter joys that make Star a spiritual place, like candlelit chapel services and reflective moments lit by beautiful Star Island sunsets.

Whether you�re a YRUU grad, worked as a Pel or just heard of it through the grapevine YAC is the place for you. Join us as we forge new bonds, reconnect with old friends and be a part of a growing collective/family/(dare we say) movement. To get involved and get excited please visit our website for more information on workshops and happenings.

We welcome children ages 6 and under to our conference and while we enjoy having parents and their kids at YAC, we don�t offer specific programming for children. Please contact the registrar if you have questions regarding what accommodations will be available for parents traveling to Star with children.

Minister: To be announced.

Chair: Chloe Chapman, 147 16th St. Apt. 2, Brooklyn, NY 11215 347.415.5673 bigyacattack@gmail.com

Registration: A room and board deposit of $150/person and registration fee of $50/person for 4 days and $75/person for 7 days are due with registration. An optional $10, $20, or $40 scholarship donation is also welcome. Please mail ONE CHECK, payable to �Rebecca Hutton, YAC Registrar,� a completed registration form, and a business-sized self addressed stamped envelope ($0.63) to Rebecca Hutton, 2016 38th St. Apt 2, Astoria, NY 11105, 617.605.4380 yacreg@gmail.com. Registration begins March 10. Registrations postmarked before then will be treated as if postmarked on March 10. Registrations postmarked after March 10 will be accepted, space available, according to postmark date. Don�t let this date pass you by! The room and board deposit and registration fee are refundable until May 5. Scholarships: Scholarship money is available; please contact the registrar as soon as possible if you are interested in scholarship funds (deadline April 20).

Room and Board:This conference offers 4-night and 7-night options:

Boat Schedule: Depart Rye Saturday, June 14, 2:00 and 3:30 p.m. Depart Star Saturday, June 21, 8:15 and 10:15 a.m. or Wednesday, June 18, 10:15 a.m. For more on boats and parking, see the Information for Conferees page.