Conference of the Laity

Saturday, September 5 to Monday, September 7

Contact the Registrar

Come Early to Laity and Pel Reunion Weekend!

This year, Laity and Pel Reunion conferees can choose to come to the island the day before the conferences begin for an informal gathering and catch an extra sunset and an extra lime rickey! There will be no formal conference programming until the conferences begin on Saturday. To find out more or to sign-up, please note your interest on the “Arrival/Departure” section of your 2009 Registration Form.

Theme: The Parables: Never Ending Stories

Everyone loves a good story! Surprise! So does God. Jesus was a master teacher. His tales were simple, easy to remember and profound. Join us as we study the parables of Christ. Those simple stories that reveal the deep truths of whom God is, what God desires, and what life is really about. Sharon Dietrich is a gifted communicator translating the truths of scripture into everyday life. She is the Director of Sales at Franchise Solutions—an Internet company. Sharon has been so well received that she is returning for a third engagement. She is coming back!

General Information: People of all ages are invited to attend and share in our fellowship. There is plenty of time for recreation, crafts, as well as for personal reflection, and relaxing. Sunrise and candlelight chapel services are highlights of our conference. In addition to the conference theme program, there are supervised arts and activity programs for children. Planning and preparation for the weekend is a shared endeavor. If you are interested in playing a part in creating your Laity Weekend away, do get in touch with either of the conference Co-Chairs. All are welcome and all ideas are very much valued.

Chairs: Lisa Hunt,, 978-597-8773 & Peter Perich,, 603-622-2604.

Registration: Room & board deposit of $75 for each person over 5 and registration fee of $20 for adult or teen (over 15), $10 for (11-15), $5 for children under 11 are due with registration. Mail ONE CHECK, payable to “Jane Coyne, Laity Conference Registrar,” completed registration form, a business-sized SASE ($0.59 postage) to Jane Coyne, Laity Registrar, P.O. Box 133, Center Harbor, NH 03226, (603) 253-9446, Registration begins March 10. Registrations postmarked before then will be accepted, space available, according to postmark date. The room & board deposit and registration fees are refundable until July 24th.

Scholarships: Funds are available for those who need assistance. Please request an application with your registration form and deposit prior to July 1st.

Adult Rates (18+)






Laity / Pel Reunion






Questions about rates? Contact the conference registrar.

Youth Rates

Under 6

6-11 Yrs

12-17 Yrs

Laity / Pel Reunion




Questions about rates? Contact the conference registrar.