WriteLines Creative Writing Workshop

Monday, August 31 to Friday, September 4

Contact the Registrar

This creative writing workshop is suitable for writers of all skill levels and genres. Workshop leader Dale Slongwhite will provide prompts from which the group will write for a specified amount of time. Participants will then read aloud what they have written to hear from the others what they have done right, what the group finds memorable, and what the group enjoyed. Critique is not allowed at this level since the work is newborn. Simply come with a pen, a notebook, and a mind ready to be opened. Star Island and the workshop leader have a way of tapping into creativity you might not have known you had. If you are working on a project, bring that along. You may also bring a laptop. You will have time to write, edit, and relax. One afternoon, we will have an open mic session and will invite individuals attending other conferences on the island.

Registration: For further information and pricing, visit www.writelines.net, or contact Dale at writelines@mail2world.com or (407) 803-8840.