The Star Island Legacy Society

Become a member of the Star Island Legacy Society!  Make a planned gift to Star Island— a gift that lives forever.

When you make a planned gift to Star Island, your generosity has an impact far beyond your lifetime. Your gift supports generations of future Shoalers whose lives will be forever changed by their Star Island experience.

Unless directed otherwise, legacy gifts are added to our endowment, the Star Island Permanent Trust. The Trust has its own advisory board of five trustees, and investments are managed by Wilkins Investment Counsel.

There are many ways you can make a gift that will cost you nothing today, or help you make a tax-wise investment in both your future and in the future of Star Island.

Some of the ways you can support Star’s future:

    • Naming Star Island as a beneficiary of an IRA, retirement plan, insurance policy, or bank account
    • Including Star Island in your will
    • Creating a charitable trust or other life income gift


Please join the hundreds of fellow Shoalers who have already pledged to include Star Island in their estate plans.

For more information please email