

The Memorial Courtyard

The Memorial Courtyard is an area set aside on Star Island to memorialize Shoalers in a personal and meaningful way.

The centerpiece of the Courtyard is a Rutledge Star engraved on granite and surrounded by the cardinal points. The specially designed compass rose sits in a sea of rock upon which Shoalers may place memorial stones engraved with the names of loved ones to be remembered for generations to come.

To order a memorial stone, please return a copy of the Memorial Stone Order Form with your check or credit card number to the Development Office at Star Island Corporation, 30 Middle St., Portsmouth, NH 03801.

If you have any questions, please contact


The Memorial Book

Instructions For Writing A Page For The Star Island Memorial Book

Writing a page for your loved one is fairly simple. Generally, your description should give your loved one’s history with a focus on how he or she was involved with Star Island and/or what Star Island meant to him or her. There is no cost but a gift in memory is always welcome.

Your write up should be no more than one side of a page and:

  • The heading should be the name, including any nickname (14 pt. Bold type)
  • Birth and Death dates
  • A picture, preferably taken on Star Island
  • Your write up
  • If there is a specific memorial gift or a stone in the Memorial Courtyard, we would like you to mention it at the bottom of the page

Sample Memorial Book Page

We prefer Times Roman, 12 pt. type—although as long as it fits on one page, it is acceptable. We will ensure that your page appears in the memorial book in Star’s Lobby.

Submit your page to

Created by the Island Heritage & Artifacts Committee