Island Tour
Star Island is located ten miles off the coast of New Hampshire. It is the second largest of the nine islands that make up the Isles of Shoals and its historic Oceanic House and adjacent buildings become the village home for thousands of visitors each summer. The nonprofit Star Island Corporation has owned and operated Star Island since 1916, providing affordable individual and family retreats. From June to September guests come for a day, an overnight visit or to attend one of the many conferences presented each summer on a range of subjects such as natural history, writing, photography, music, painting, ecology, matters of the spirit, yoga and more. And because Star Island has historic connections to Unitarian Universalism and the United Church of Christ, it has a liberal spiritual quality that is renewing and uplifting.

Hop on a boat from Rye Harbor or Portsmouth for a day trip and you’ll soon find yourself in Gosport Harbor, where the Isles of Shoals offer a glimpse of life as it was in the nineteenth century. Here you can leave 21st century technology and demands behind as time stands still.
Caught the island spirit? Consider a week-long summer conference. Mid-June through Labor Day, there’s something for everyone—from arts and natural history to world affairs, science and spirituality.
Short on time? Try a weekend or mid-week conference in early September when the weather is beautiful.
Star Island becomes a lifelong tradition for many folks who come back, year after year, to experience the island magic with their families, generation to generation. Once you’ve come, you’ll remember Star for a lifetime. The cry of the gulls, the pristine beauty, the history, will stay with you long after you return home.