Corporation Membership

Star Island Corporation is a membership organization whose members meet annually. It is governed by a thirteen-member board of directors and has several standing committees including Executive, Finance, Property and Standards, Nominating, and Fund Development. Our bylaws are available for download.

Strategic Plan

Explore our official Strategic Plan, 2024-2028, which provides strategic direction for the Star Island Corporation in order to advance the work of its mission. Our plan also supports pragmatic decision making by the Board in a manner that reflects the best interests of the Corporation.

Corporation Membership

Files and Information for Current Corporation Members

Corporation Members collectively agree to be the most responsible for the ongoing well-being of Star Island Corporation.

As a Corporation Member you:

  • Learn about the inner workings of Star and help plan its future
  • Attend and vote at the Annual Meeting held each spring
  • Meet dedicated, talented people from all the conferences
  • Work closely with Star Island’s exceptional Staff and Board Members
  • Advance the work and communication of the corporation by participating on committees and in work groups
  • Make a meaningful financial contribution to the upkeep of Star Island

When corporation members participate at meetings and on committees as they are able and give according to their means, they provide leadership for other Shoalers to do so.

We currently have approximately 430 members. If you or someone you know is interested in joining, please take a look at our membership criteria and nomination packet. Applications are due each year by January 15th.


Membership Nomination and Application

SIC Membership Criteria & Nomination Packet 2024

Email if you prefer the application as a word document.

Or Use These Online Forms To Apply:

Nominee Form | Sponsor Form | Recommender Form

Emeritus Membership Criteria

2024 Corporation Member List


Star Island Legacy Society

The Star Island Legacy Society is one way people in the Shoaler community can give to Star Island, and is a perfect way that Star Island Corporation Members can participate in making sure Star thrives for future generations. Click here to learn more.


Bringer of Light Award

The Bringer of Light Award is presented by the Star Island Corporation Board of Directors to recognize a Corporation member who has demonstrated:

  • Extraordinary Service
  • Significant Involvement
  • “Island Citizenship”/”One Island” Mindset
  • Active Membership

This award is intended to celebrate those who show sustained and unwavering dedication to the stewardship of Star Island and the SIC. These efforts may be apparent in many ways through the generous offering of time, treasure, or talent. Particularly significant are those individuals who have devoted their unique skills and abilities to the health and vitality of the Star Island Corporation.

In addition to the criteria above, the following also apply as a matter of Board policy.

  • Current Board members may choose to become a "sponsor" of one or more nominees during the selection process. If a nominee does not receive a Board sponsor, the nomination will not carry over to the following year.
  • This award is presented annually at the Annual Meeting of the SIC
  • The Board will also only present one award per year, although it may go to more than one person (i.e., couples or other partners.)
  • Current Board members and immediate family are not eligible
  • No awards will be made posthumously

If you are a Corporation member and would like to suggest somebody for the Bringer of Light Award, please submit your nomination by December 31 at the following link:

Bringer of Light Award Nomination Form

Bringer of Light Award Recipients

  • 2024 -  Dave and Lindy Anderson
  • 2023 - Lois Williams
  • 2022 - Steve and Edie Whitney
  • 2021 - Bob and Bobby Jorgensen
  • 2019 - Edmund Jones
  • 2018 – Karen Mathiasen
  • 2017 –Brad Greeley
  • 2016 – Meg and Dick LeShack
  • 2015 – Ed Rutledge
  • 2014 – Susy & Tom Mansfield
  • 2013 – Dick Case & Bruce Parsons
  • 2012 – Dave & Patty Boynton
  • 2011 – Dan Fenn
  • 2010 – Dave & Edith Pierson
  • 2009 – Irene Bush