10/10 Bring a Friend Program!

Share the joy of Star Island and help us grow our community!

Are you a returning Shoaler? Receive a 10% room and board credit for each new Shoaler you bring to a conference.

Are you new to Star Island? If a friend refers you, you will also receive a 10% credit to your room and board bill!

The application for this discount is filled out by the person who is new to attending a Star Island conference. Please be sure to ask the person you’re bringing to Star to list your name and email address on their application.


Important things to know before you fill out the application:

  • The application must be submitted by the new Shoaler (the person who has never been to a Star Island conference before). Please complete this application for each new Shoaler applying for this discount.
  • All individuals receiving this discount must be officially registered prior to any person receiving a discount.
  • Only new Shoalers (age 6+) can qualify for this discount.
  • This application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the conference start date.
  • Most conferences are included in this program. There are a few exclusions, such as school and off-season groups.
  • This discount only applies to you if you are going to attend the complete duration/total length of a conference. For example, if the conference is scheduled for three nights, you must be present for all three nights.
  • You may only receive one discount each conference season (even if you qualify for more than one discount). Individual members of a family unit can receive different discounts.
  • This discount may be combined with Star’s financial aid program and is subject to individual conference policies and conference scholarships.
  • There is a cap. Individuals or families cannot receive more than the total value of room and board – including any financial aid or outside stipends.