Donate Items

Because of Star Island’s limited resources and commitment to sustainable practices, we welcome the donation of items you may no longer have use for. If you have a specific item you wish to donate, please contact Justina Maji, Conference Center Director, to see if it is something we could put to good use.

Around the house

  • Twin and full white sheets
  • Towels
  • Blankets
  • Pillows
  • Lamps
  • Gardening tools
  • Graco “Pack n’ Play” cribs
  • Flashlights
  • Dressers and other furniture
  • Snorkeling Gear
  • Sheet Music

Around your place of work

  • Computers – Laptop purchased after 2014.
  • Flat Panel LCD Monitors purchased after 2014
  • Laser printers (please no Ink or Desk Jets)
  • Foodservice grade stainless steel tables and shelves
  • 18V Makita lithium ion batteries and cordless equipment
  • Hand tools (hammers, saws, wrenches, socket sets, drivers etc)
  • Crescent and pipe wrenches
  • Building materials such as hardwood, quality steel or stainless steel (angle iron, bar and round stock, sheet), PEX tubing
  • Block and tackle
  • High quality rope
  • Marine gear: boats, outboard motors, oars, marine hardware etc
  • Lab Equipment: Microscope slides and pipettes
  • We also occasionally have the need for large pieces of shop equipment, trucks, boats, and audio visual equipment.

Please note: Star Island does not provide a dollar value for gifts in kind.