Pelican Projects

DONATE to Pelican Projects

Dear Friends,

Shack and the Underworld are being significantly renovated this year and next, so we former Pels are banding together to help take care of current and future Pels by supporting these projects.

I am chipping in because my years as a Pelican were some of the best of my life. I want each Pel’s summer experience to cement their relationship with Star Island for a lifetime, like it did for me.

Thank you for giving what you can, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions!

Peter Squires
Director of Development
Pelican, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’10

Checks can be made out to Star Island (memo: Pelican Projects)
Mail to:
Star Island Corporation
Morton-Benedict House
30 Middle Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801

DONATE to Pelican Projects


Shack Renovation

Shack was built the same year as the Oceanic, 1876. It was previously renovated 30 years ago, with an additional interior renovation since then, but it is now in need of a complete overhaul. Renovations will include rehabbing of the entire exterior, window replacements, bathroom upgrades, and an extension of Shack Deck.

Underworld Renovation

This project is still in the design and engineering phase, with work expected to begin in 2019. Renovating the Underworld will accomplish multiple goals: improving safety through egress and fire upgrades, maximizing the use of existing space, and enhancing dining and community spaces for Pelicans.


Share your story!

We want to hear from you! In a few sentences, share your Pelican experience with us. Below are helpful questions to get you started.

  1. Your Name
  2. What year(s) were you a Pelican?
  3. What did being a Pel mean to you?
  4. Why are you supporting Pel Projects?
  5. Attach a photo from your years as a Pelican, then and now, or any image you feel exemplifies your Pel experience!