All Star 1 is at a waitlist – people who love All Star 1 will also love LOAS 2!

The Life On A Star 2 (LOAS 2) conference is a vibrant, full-week conference that welcomes families and individuals, much like All Star 1. Find out more about LOAS 2 today!

2024 Freshwater: Facts, Follies and Fights

Join our multi-generation family conference. Laugh, stitch, strum, run, knit, paint, rock, sing, walk, groove, dance, meditate, write, read, breathe, reflect, or relax. We look forward to a week of learning, laughing, lounging, playing, creating, connecting, disconnecting, and rejuvenating with our families and friends, old and new.

The theme for our morning lecture series is Freshwater: Facts, Follies, and Fights. On an island like Star Island, fresh water is a precious resource. It is no less precious on the mainland. Where are our freshwater resources, and why are they so important? What threatens them? What can we do to protect them? Learn from our speaker, Dr. Rebecca D. Klaper, an expert on freshwater and The Great Lakes.

Our Speaker of the Week

Rebecca D. Klaper is the Dean and Professor of the School of Freshwater Sciences and Director of the Great Lakes Genomic Center at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Professor Klaper studies the potential impact of emerging contaminants, such as nanoparticles and pharmaceuticals, on aquatic life. In addition, she studies how these chemicals may be designed to reduce adverse environmental impacts.

Youth Programming

All Star 1 has a vibrant Children’s Program, which is led by 20 talented, committed, and fun educators. Children are divided into eight groups, ranging in age from infants to young adults. Teachers meet with their group twice a day, in the morning from 9:30-11:30 and in the afternoon from 1:30-3:00. Kids look forward to many established traditions, as well as new and unique activities. Our Children’s Art Barn projects are exceptional. Kids can start their day with a 7:00 AM Polar Bear dip, followed by hot cocoa on the front porch. Children’s Morning Chapel has become a multi-generational favorite, with real-life storytelling modeled after the radio show “The Moth.” Other intergenerational activities include a softball game, 4th of July games, the “Grand March,” a kid’s talent show, and our very own “Great People Hunt.” Kids can hang out on our playgrounds, shoot baskets, visit the Marine Lab, and play tennis or pickleball. There are cherished memories to be made for the children of AS1. Please feel free to be in touch with our Children’s Program Coordinators Deb and Lisa Jennings if you wish to share ways in which we can help make your child’s experience the highlight of their summer! 

Minister of the Week

Rev. Nancy Wood, Spiritual Care Department Manager and Director of Clinical Pastoral Education, The University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, VT 

Program Fee

$130 per adult (18+)

$105 per youth (17 and under) for first two children per family; $0 / child for additional children

Room & Board

The rates below are per person for the full length of the conference.

Adults (18+) 

Standard Shared: $1,222 | Standard Single: $1,662

Motel Shared: $1,504 | Motel Single: $2,207 


Under 6: Free | 6-11 years: $565 | 12-17 years: $809 

Financial Aid

New and returning shoalers in financial need are encouraged to apply to All Star I’s Financial Assistance Program. Up to half of the Room & Board and the conference fee will be awarded (parking fee is not included). Applicants are encouraged to ask for only what they truly need to be able to attend ASI. Applicants must complete and submit the financial assistance application form (available at to the Registrars along with their conference registration form. 

Boat Schedule

Departure from Portsmouth June 30th 2:20 PM  

Departure from Star Island July 7th 8:50 AM  


The conference registrar is Susan O’Loughlin. She can be reached at