Soul Works 2024

August 4 - August 8

The Stories We Tell 

and the power they have to shape our ministry


Soul Works is a four-day clergy retreat to strengthen us for our soul’s calling. This year, we will explore how our stories shape us and our ministry.  From the tales our families tell us to the anecdotes we share about ourselves and our congregations, stories are always at work in the background of what we do as pastors.  We are meaning makers; we tell stories to make sense of current events, understand how we got here, and chart a course for where we are going.

During our time together, we will revisit our call stories, consider our current stories, and question which narratives bring wholeness and which are undermining.  What stories do our congregations tell about themselves?  What versions do we share about them? Do we want to be living the narratives we are telling or write some new ones? In our time together, we will work to claim the stories we need and begin new chapters where necessary. There will also be plenty of time to walk the shore, watch the sunset over the ocean, eat great food, kayak, and build relationships with wonderful colleagues.

For more information, please contact Rev. Todd Wier at

Program Leaders

Rev. Todd Weir

Pastor, Boothbay Harbor UCC, Maine


The Rev. Sarah Buteux

Pastor, First Churches, Northampton, Massachusetts

Program Fee

$100 per person

Room & Board

The rates below are per person for the full length of the conference.

Standard Shared: $735| Standard Single: $981

Motel Shared: $893  | Motel Single: $1,348 

Boat Schedule

Departure from Portsmouth August 4th 2:20 PM  

Departure from Star Island August 8th 2:15 PM


Email the chair, Rev. Todd Wier at