Bla test 2

End of Season Incentives
Help us close out the season!


Program 1

  • $50 or $100 incentive for regular season employees who recruit end-of-season employees.
  • EOS employee would need to submit a form that indicates the name of the person (one person only) who recruited him/her to work.
  • EOS employee must apply, be hired, and work full term of employment agreement, after which the incentive would be given to the regular season employee who recruited him/her.
  • $50 incentive for EOS employee who works 7-13 days; $100 incentive for EOS employee who works 14+ days.
  • Incentives are cumulative/per person, meaning one regular season employee can receive the above incentive for each person s/he recruits.


Program 2

  • $100 for every Pelican who begins work on or before June 30 and works up to and including Monday, September 18 (the day after the conference season/Gosport Regatta ends).
  • Payment made after September 18.
  • This applies to employees already signed up to work these dates, and any who extend their leaving dates on or before July 14.


Program 3

  • $100 for every end-of-season Pelican who works for three or more weeks.
  • Payment made as part of last paycheck.


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