Star Gathering 2 Family 2025
August 3 - August 10
We are a joyful intergenerational conference that emphasizes community while celebrating all the things that make us unique. Reverends Angela Menke Ballou and Leah Robberts-Mosser will lead us in our adult program, inviting us to explore how we can nurture connection and community in a world that is becoming increasingly divided. Together, we will explore the deep connection we all have as fellow human beings, and how this connection we share is the foundation upon which we can build communities of understanding, respect and love. In addition to the weeklong morning program, conferees share their own gifts, talents and interests via specific activities scheduled throughout the week. In the past, these have included wine tasting, tai chi, drumming workshops and cooking demonstrations, to name just a few.
We also offer separate morning children’s programs with age-specific activities, plus separate evening offerings for high school students. Music performances, art classes, boating, swimming, softball, frisbee golf competitions and many other offerings the whole family can enjoy take place throughout the day and into the evening.
Program Fees
Room & Board
The rates below are per person for the full length of the conference.
Full Week:
Adults (18+)
Standard Shared: $1,265 | Standard Single: $1,770
Motel Shared: $1,560 | Motel Single: $2,285
Under 6: Free | 6-11 years: $585 | 12-17 years: $840
Boat Schedule
Departure from Portsmouth TBD
Departure from Star Island TBD
Email the conference registrar, Sara Garthwait, at