Soul Works 2025

August 3 - August 7

How is it with your soul?”  Many pastors have felt the heart of  ministry squeezed out as they try to serve in hyper-anxious times.  Do you have a sense that the nature of pastoral identity is shifting amid rapid cultural change?  How can we keep our souls healthy and put our souls back into the work of our congregations?

The purpose of this retreat is to call together church leaders to explore the possibilities of “soul-work” as a grounding idea for ministry identity.   Our time together will include building an understanding of what soul work might look like in each of our contexts, hearing from clergy who are attempting to integrate soul work into their ministry, and having time for both individual and group spiritual practice and reflection.  We hope the retreat can be good for our souls as well as bear fruit in restoring our identity and purpose as clergy.

Recruit people to come to Star Island for the first time or after a long absence! If five or more people register for any conference, you can attend the Soul Works Conference for Ministers for FREE. Please get in touch with Rev. Christana Wille McKnight at for details or if you would like to participate in this program.

Program Fee

$100 per person

Room & Board

The rates below are per person for the full length of the conference.

Standard Shared: $765| Standard Single: $1,045

Motel Shared: $925 | Motel Single: $1,400

Boat Schedule

Departure from Portsmouth TBD

Departure from Star Island TBD


Email the chair, Rev. Todd Wier at