Spring Birding Midweek 1 2025
May 11 - May 13
Star Island is the best migrant and vagrant trap in New Hampshire. In addition to the more expected migrants, we might see King Eider, American Oystercatcher, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Clay-colored Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Chat, Summer Tanager, or Dickcissel, all of which are fairly regular. The bird list for the island now stands at 282 species, most of which have been recorded on these trips, including Lazuli Bunting (twice), Chuck-wills-widow, Western Wood-Pewee, and Cassin’s Sparrow.
Both spring and fall trips are during peak time for migrants. If the birding is quiet, it is a great place to watch for seabirds, with alcids, fulmars, shearwaters, and gannets possible. Butterfly migration can be impressive in fall. Weather permitting, we will listen to nocturnal migration at night.
The $350 rate includes parking and transport to and from the island and all meals and accommodation on island.
Program Fee
Room & Board
$260 per person
Program Leader
Eric Masterson
Boat Schedule
Contact Eric Masterson