Accessibility and Medical Considerations

Star Island Corporation welcomes everybody to Star Island. We also want to ensure that all conferees know that our first aid station is equipped only for basic treatment in an emergency, and may not be staffed at all times. Star Island is a remote location with extremely limited capacity to respond to medical emergencies. Conference Registrars are the front line of communicating this so people can make reasonable decisions for themselves, and you should familiarize yourselves with all of the details contained within the “Medical Considerations” page.


While Star Island does not guarantee availability of any specific rooms or room types, priority is given to those with self-identified accessibility or medical needs. The assignment of accessibility rooms, first-floor rooms and motel units will be prioritized based on a variety of factors including but not limited to, communication of need, availability of accommodations, and registration date.

Medical Equipment

Conferees requiring the use of sizeable medical equipment (wheelchairs, oxygen tanks, etc.) are welcomed. The Conference Registrar should note this information with their registration data in Raiser’s Edge and inform the Island Registrar directly to be sure that all special accommodations are met.

Service Animals

In efforts to make Star Island accessible to all, certified service animals that provide for conferees are allowed on Star. This is the only exception to the policy on bringing animals to Star. Service animals must be with owner at all times and are not permitted to freely roam the island. Any solid animal waste should be attended to immediately, picked up and disposed of properly.


Although we are making more and more places on Star wheelchair accessible, some conference meeting rooms can be reached only via stairs or a rocky path, and negotiating this terrain, even with assistance, might not always be possible.

Make sure that your conferees with mobility challenges know that the following is available for conferee use:

  • “Vicmobile” motorized utility cart which can bring conferees from the pier to the main buildings and to various locations on the island throughout their stay. Pick-ups can be scheduled through the front desk.
  • Bed rails, walkers, wheelchairs and walking sticks are available for use upon request. Email the Island Registrar ( if you know of any conferees who would like to use this equipment, and we will put it in their room for their arrival.
  • Wheelchair accessible restrooms in Cottage A, the Lobby and other locations around the island. Accessible showers are also available in Cottage A and the Lobby.

You will also want to recommend to these folks that they arrive at the dock a little early to get extra assistance with parking and luggage, and that they skip to the front of the boarding line. Note that the Thomas Laighton is the easiest to access vessel, so if possible, those with mobility concerns should travel on this ferry.  While on Star Island, they should also feel free to enter the dining room a few minutes before mealtime to get settled.

Conferences may wish to assign volunteers from within the conferences to help conferees with mobility challenges to get to and from various activities.

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