Scholarships And Financial Grants

Conference Scholarships and SIC Financial Grants

In order to fulfill our promise and potential, we need to do what we can to ensure that financial accessibility is not a barrier to attending conferences. Star Island has long recognized this, and has taken positive steps to encouraging prospective Shoalers to access financial aid. Our belief is that Shoalers and potential Shoalers are a family, and we are committed to fostering this relationship.

Your conference may have a method to offer financial assistance. Additionally, Star Island has a Financial Grants program. The program is confidential in nature, and only a select group has access to grant application information.  Grant awards vary in amount and typically only cover a portion of the room and board charges.

Shared Grant Application

We have found that we can do the most good for the most people by coordinating our available resources and eliminating as many barriers as possible. Star Island has implemented an application process in which a conferee can apply for both a Star Island grant and most of the conference-specific grant using one application accessed via the Star Island website.

For Main season conferences with financial aid programs, award decisions are due to the Island Registrar on May 1. The Island Registrar will communicate both conference and island awards to applicants.

For more information, see the financial aid page of the website.

Financial Accessibility

As a conference leader, we ask that you help to make people aware of financial assistance options available to them. In your communications about the conference (email, website, social media etc.), inform and remind people about their options for financial assistance. Make the process normalized and visible in as many places as possible. Consider that an individual’s circumstances can be complex. It is important to take a warm and inviting approach as you help people become familiar with the process and all of the resources available, while maintaining confidentiality.

The matter of financial assistance can be somewhat delicate. Some may be hesitant to accept what could be perceived as “charity” and feel undeserving or embarrassed. Your conference’s communications and process surrounding financial accessibility should hold up the dignity of applicants as much as possible. Consider how you might convey to potential applicants that their presence is important to the conference, and it would be a better experience for everyone if they were able to contribute to the community experience. Funds have been dedicated for the purpose of helping build the island community, and it would be a shame if money was left over at the end, and at the same time individuals did not register because of financial barriers. Your conference may want to consider using the word “grants” in your language, rather than “scholarship,” “aid,” or “assistance.”

Other Resources for Financial Assistance


Star Island has offered a robust discount program as a marketing and outreach effort to bring new folks, and those who haven’t been for a while, out to the island. The goal of this program is separate from the goal of the Financial Grants program – it’s about bringing new people (regardless of their financial security) to growing conferences on Star. Nevertheless discounts can play a factor in financial accessibility.

Conference staff stipends

Your conference may consider offering a stipend for a staff position (such as youth group leader) to cover some or all of the costs of attending.

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