Selling Items On Star Island
Selling Goods and Services on the Island
No person or group may sell or solicit for sale on Star Island any item for personal profit or to profit any organization whose purposes and operations do not relate solely to Star Island and its conferences. The following types of sales are allowed:
- Sale of conference related materials in the book store may be arranged (see below).
- Auctions and other fundraisers (i.e. bingo, poker) organized by conferences for scholarships or conference-related purposes.
- Sales of conference-specific t-shirts and souvenirs organized by conferences for scholarships or conference-related purposes. (please note: these sales can no longer be facilitated by the Gift Shop, and should be organized by the conference)
- Individuals interested in selling items through the Gift Shop may submit a Vendor Inquiry Form.
The Shops on Star Island
The Isles of Shoals Association (Unitarian-Universalist), Inc. ( operates the book and gift shop on Star Island. Each year, all profits from the Shops are used to benefit the Island and conferees through conference grants, scholarships, funding special projects, and a donation to the Star Island Annual Fund. Conferees may set up a “tab” at the Shops on Star by providing a credit card for the Shops to keep on file. The tab may be used to purchase Shops merchandise throughout the conference and must be paid before leaving the island. Tabs close at 10:00 a.m. on the last full conference day. These charges cannot be added to room and board bills and must be paid separately in the Shops.
The general contact for the Shops is
Book Store
The Book Shop carries a variety of books and other media, about the Isles of Shoals, Celia Thaxter, and other local interests, as well as books written or recommended by conference speakers. It also carries books that pertain to our religious heritage and philosophy, and those of interest to each conference. Before your arrival, the Shops on Star must be notified of any publication that might be in demand by conferees during your conference. Check with conference speakers, your minister of the week, and workshop leaders for book lists.
Orders for conference-related materials to be carried in the Book Shop must be submitted by March 10th for the main season conferences and by June 1st for September conferences. Late requests will be honored to the extent we are able.
Every effort is made to obtain the books you request at reasonable prices, and to display them in the Book Shop on the first day of your conference. Your list of books should indicate a preference of paper or hardcover (hardcover and expensive titles will be extremely limited). Let us know if the publisher is relatively unknown or if a workshop leader has books of their own. Questions about book orders can be sent to the Shops on Star
Gift Shop
At the Gift Shop, you can buy clothing, memorabilia and much more. The Gift Shop no longer sells conference-specific t-shirts and souvenirs, and conferences may facilitate their own sales of these items. The Shops also will not order merchandise for individual conference use or sale. Individuals interested in having items sold in the Shops, must contact us via the Vendor Inquiry Form. Items that are considered related to Star Island, are thought to be of interest to Shops’ customers, and will fit in our limited space, may be purchased outright by the Shops buyers directly from you to be sold in the Shops.