Neighbors in the Shoals

New Tunnel to Facilitate Shoals Traffic

Note: this article was published on April 1, 2008—while we’re making lots of capital improvements to Star Island this year, this is not one of them. It’s just for laughs!

Terrific news on an exciting project!

“The new tunnel is projected to be completed by late 2012 and is estimated to cost upwards of seven billion dollars. It will be modeled after the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, with one platform rising out of the sea at the four mile mark. Drivers will be able to make the nine mile trip from Rye to Star Island in just over ten minutes. Upon arriving on Star Island, drivers will have the option of entering a tight rotary and immediately returning to the mainland, or parking in a contemplated new town parking lot and doing a little sight seeing. For those choosing the latter, a number of new tourist attractions are in the planning phase, including a golf driving range, a super sized Ferris wheel, and a small but authentic whaling museum where visitors will have the opportunity to throw harpoons at the likenesses of various types of whales.

The facility at the four mile marker will feature restrooms, a snack area serving burgers and soft drinks, and a tie up area for fishing boats, pleasure craft, and lobster boats. At the request of some of the local lobstermen, a license to sell beer is under consideration.”

For details, see Noah Uturn’s article at the Rye Reflections website.