In her “Earth Matters” column Monday, Feb. 20, Portsmouth Herald reporter Deborah McDermott talks about the solar initiatives that Star Island is currently exploring thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Barbara K. and Cyrus B. Sweet III Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.
Servicing an island community inherently brings much different challenges than for a community on the mainland, requiring innovative thinking to meet and exceed the level of comfort our guests desire. In addition, Star Island Corp. stays very mindful of its environmental impact and is always looking for ways to improve our facilities without compromising the island’s beautiful natural environment. Solar power makes a lot of sense for us as a renewable energy source both environmentally and financially, and McDermott explains how:
Despite energy-saving measures that include switching to fluorescent lights, no television, highly efficient washing machines and limited showers for as many as 300 people on island at a time in peak season, the island still spends $100,000 every summer on power — from three 5,000-gallon diesel tanks.
During that same tour, (Facilities Superintendent Jack Farrell) took me to a little-used, south-facing ledge on the island, now covered with poison ivy but the perfect place for a passel of solar panels. There, he said, is the future.