Star Island Corporation

Star Island 2013 Year in Review

Star Island Softball 2013

Many people know Star Island for a week or so every summer. And that’s exactly what we work year-round to accomplish: to make sure that the time you have on island is the absolute best. The year-round aspect of our operation is something we’re inviting you to look back at with us in this post. A lot of changes happened in 2013, so journey with us through this review of a great year:

  • Online registration started in February — the first time we’ve ever had online registration!
  • Another successful Annual Meeting — this time with a mid-day fair focusing on all of our various committees
  • A season long painting raffle!
  • People shared stories of love, love, and love in our winter newsletter
  • We introduced room and board discounts to help attract new families and former staff to summer conferences. (We’ll let you know about 2014 discounts soon)
  • Star Island appeared on the back page of the UU World and in Christian Century magazine
  • Robert’s Maine Grill in Kittery, ME hosted two Community Suppers to benefit Star Island.
  • The Shelter Rock Large Grant Fund gave $100,000 to Star to install a new pump and extend the sprinkler system.
  • An awesome group of volunteers (one of many that make Star so great) renovated the Art Barn
  • Star Island went to the UUA GA for the first time in several years thanks to the help of a few great volunteers.
  • The shower rooms were completely demolished and rebuilt. The new shower rooms included energy efficient heating/air conditioning systems, too!
  • There was a lot of work done on Star Island in terms of facility upgrades: the new shower rooms, and a rebuilt front porch to name just two of our many undertakings.
  • We came together as an entire island to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
  • Pelicans maintained several island gardens which resulted in over 700 lbs of produce.
  • A new trailhead map was installed on the pier to help day guests as they first arrive on island.
  • Vaughn Cottage historians created a video explaining Star’s past use of carrier pigeons.
  • The 4th Annual Gosport Regatta took place in September with great hurrahs!
  • Summer volunteers clocked in for over 10,000 hours.
  • Starry Night brought together a number of our friends from around the area and reminded us of the importance of a strong Star Island community on the mainland.
  • We updated our newsletter design and layout! Typography nerds unite!
  • To celebrate Veterans, we held a raffle awarding a free stay on Star for a veteran and his or her family in 2014.
  • In our first #GivingTuesday we saw a number of donations and messages from people about why they chose to give to Star Island.
  • We started a new series on our website called Shoaler Voices which will present posts from different people each week. Our first post focused on a playlist inspired by Star Island.
  • And, here in the office, we are looking for an equally busy 2014 with more projects and exciting news.

    As we prepare to launch online registration in January, take a look at next summer’s calendar.