Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

Seeking Free-Range Unitarian Universalists

The Unitarian Universalist Association is trying to survey folks who identify as Unitarian Universalist, but are not currently connected to a congregation. The UUA is finding that many of their “Free Range” UUs visit camps and conferences including Star Island. So, if you identify as Unitarian Universalist, but don’t attend a congregation, please take the… Read more >

Star Island oil paintings by Chris Volpe to be exhibited in Portsmouth

Between 15 and 20 oil paintings by Christopher Volpe featuring the unique geography of Star Island will be exhibited during the month of August at the Discover Portsmouth Center in Portsmouth, NH. Painted largely on location, Volpe’s paintings capture the brilliance and desolation of Star Island’s stark, light-drenched coasts and weathered landmarks with minimalistic design,… Read more >

Star Island Newsletter: Spring 2012

Star Island Newsletter Spring 2012 Volume XXXVIII, Issue 1 Inside this Issue: Meet Joe Watts, the next CEO of Star Island Letter from Vicky Hardy Saying Thank You: List of donors Passages Gosport Regatta Top-selling books Literary Festival Shining the Star Your survey results Star Island online 40 under 40 Star Bridge conference

Online financial aid application makes it easier than ever to apply

With our new online application, it’s easier than ever to seek financial aid for your visit to Star this season. The confidential program is available to individuals and families that are registered for a conference and have not received a conference scholarship. Please note awards are always partial, and depend on the number of applications… Read more >

Seasonal boat captain position available

Star Island has an opening for a seasonal boat captain. For details, including required qualifications and application information, visit our seasonal work page.