Planning Your Schedule
Program leaders should plan as much as possible with the island staff in advance of the conference to give us an opportunity to ensure that we have adequate staff, equipment, and supplies ready for your events and programs.
Conference Schedule
We ask each conference have a draft conference schedule for the Conference Services Supervisor at least 2 weeks prior to your conference.
If your conference is sharing the island with other conferences we encourage you to reach out to their leadership; our staff can liaise between the two conferences or arrange a meeting between your leadership and theirs.
Guide To Filling Out Your Schedule
Use the conference schedule template along with the Meeting Rooms Guide and Activities and Events Guide to build your own schedule. For a list of audiovisual and other equipment we can provide, consult the Equipment and Supplies page. The more details you provide us on your conference schedule, the better prepared we will be to have everything run smoothly when you’re on the island.
Each day of the week has its own tab. As you’ll see, we have already entered all mandatory and island-run activities in their assigned day/time slots. The rest is your canvas; feel free to make any edits you wish!
Conference schedule templates can be found here:
Conference Services Crew
The Conference Services crew exists to work with conference leaders to facilitate conference activities, specifically scheduling meeting rooms, the use of A/V equipment, coffee breaks, etc. This is a versatile but small crew, so we can always use conferee assistance with things such as setting up and breaking down chairs and equipment, etc.
- A Conference Services crew member is available in the lobby fifteen minutes before every meal.
- The Conference Services box at the writing desk in the lobby is checked for requests prior to every conference meal.
- For urgent matters (i.e. failure of A/V equip.), Conference Services staff can be contacted through the Front Desk.
- Conference Services is available by email beginning in June at
Practicing Inclusion with Events, Activities and Traditions
As you develop your schedule and events, please read the Events and their Significance resource provided by Star’s Beloved Community Project.