Posts Tagged: in the news

On the Island

Oceanic Hotel awarded by Yankee Magazine

Yankee Magazine has named the historic Oceanic Hotel for Best Island Living in their 2011 Best of New England, praising its family-style meals, candlelight walks and ghost stories. Check out the May/June issue of Yankee, on sale now, for other great New England spots.

On the Island

WGIR-AM Talks Gosport Regatta with Star Island Organizers

Jennifer Wells of WGIR-AM 930 caught up with Star Island CEO Victoria Hardy and Director of Development Angela Matthews on the April 9 edition of Local Access about the 2011 Gosport Regatta. The full 20-minute interview is available for listening and download using the below link. For more information on the Gosport Regatta, including tickets… Read more >

Shoalers in the News

Star Island Speaker Reports on his Meeting with Moammar Gadhafi

Robert Putnam, author of Bowling Alone, American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us and Life On A Star I conference guest speaker, wrote about his unusual meeting with Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in the Wall Street Journal. On Jan. 19, 2007, my wife, Rosemary, and I spent several hours with Col. Moammar Gadhafi in… Read more >