On the Island

August 17th Conference Availability Update

Our thanks go out to everyone who came to Star for a Personal Retreat or attended any of the UCC Conferences. We are very lucky to have such a committed community of Shoalers.

“For me, it’s the pull of the island,” said Debbie Redding-Sampson, 51, a conferee from Kennebunk, Maine, who returns each year with her 16-year-old son, Michael. “Everyone has a different sense of what the island means for them. It transcends religion. It’s just a spiritual place.”*

Now that life on Star Island has settled a bit back into our planned conference schedule, it’s time for another availability update—check out the calendar page for the latest details.

Notably, Dover Yoga is now on a waitlist and Midweek II, Star Hampshire Music & Dance, and ISHRA’s September Conference are filling up quickly.

* If you attended UCC I or II, please feel free to send a post-conference wrap-up for the website to bwinters@starisland.org. Debbie was quoted for a press release from Star, letting everyone know that we are back on our normal conference schedule and welcoming conferees and day visitors.