
Now hiring 2012 seasonal workers

Are you or someone you know interested in working for Star Island next season? We’d love to hear from you!

Star Island Corporation is now accepting applications for Pelicans. Come be a part of a friendly and welcoming community while working in an environment that can truthfully be described as like no other.

Working on Star Island can be extremely rewarding. Indeed, many lives have been positively influenced, and careers determined, by spending a summer working on Star Island. But being a Pelican is more than just getting a job on Star Island — it is about joining a community of interesting, talented, and hard working individuals. We seek staff members who will commit to doing a good job, whether that job involves providing direct services to conferees (such as making beds, cooking food, or working at the front desk) or serving on our support crews (such as repairing trucks, painting buildings, or running our generators). The powerful Pelican community that arises each season is an outgrowth of common goals, hard work, and mutual support.

Applications are due in by January 20, 2012, but don’t delay — fill out an application today!