by Sally Russell, Board Member and Chair of the Financial Aid Committee
One of the best initiatives Star Island has implemented over the past few years is the Star Island Financial Aid Program. This important program provides a path to Star Island for individuals and families who would not otherwise have a chance to attend one of the enriching programs of conversation, community, and spirituality. Last year, the Financial Aid Committee awarded aid to 65 families and individuals for a total of $22,803 through this important effort.
The recipients of these awards often send a note of thanks to the committee after attending a conference, and these letters have literally brought tears to my eyes. I know how special Star is to my family, and this sentiment is repeated so strongly in these letters of thanks. Many say, when they can they will help others get to the island by contributing resources to the Financial Aid Program. This is what the Shoaler spirit is all about: We take care of each other and we give what we can to sustain Star Island.
Beyond Star’s program, many conferences also provide scholarships. With the Star Island program and the individual conference scholarship programs, we help Shoalers both new and old come to renew themselves on our special island.
Participating in these efforts is just one of many reasons that I enjoy my stint as a Star Island Board member.
Click here to learn more about Star Island’s Financial Aid Program