Monthly Archives: September 2020

On the Island

Reflections – by Carolyn A. Kerr – SG2 Chapel Service

Do you have a “rock” that you cling to? A solid rock? A spiritual rock? A talisman, a memory that acts as a guidepost and helps keep you on solid footing? My “rocks” include my human and feline families (my cats Apple Cobbler and Lucie Louise), close personal friends, my church family, Star Island and,… Read more >

On the Island

Regatta Reflections

Today would have been the 11th Annual Gosport Regatta, our beloved community event in partnership with the Piscataqua Sailing Association. We are reminiscing about sailboats on the horizon, an amazing BBQ feast, kites flying high in the air by the Oceanic Hotel, and lively music on the front porch. ⭐️🎉 We would like to gratefully… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Art Challenge: Paint from a Picture

We asked and you answered! We’re excited to share the results of our ART CHALLENGE: Paint from a Picture. Special thanks to Chris Volpe and Anna Birch for inspiring this activity with their own art and to all the Shoalers who participated in their own ways. We hope you enjoy this gallery of unique and… Read more >