NHC has confirmed their boat times—conferees will depart Rye on June 23 at 2:00 p.m. and depart Star on June 30 at 8:15 a.m. (These times supersede those listed in the Blue Book; please confirm all times with your registrar before traveling.)
In addition, NHC has extended their application postmark date to May 1, 2007. Registrations postmarked before then will be treated as if postmarked on May 1. Registrations postmarked after May 1 will be accepted, space available, according to postmark date. The room and board deposit and registration fee are refundable until May 12.
Visit the Registration page and Calendar page for more details.
Please note that several other conferences have extended their application dates in light of this year’s Blue Book production delay. From now on, we will generally post notifications about changes on this News page and the most up-to-date information is always available on the Calendar page.