On the Island

After Successful 2012, We Embrace a New Chapter

Dear Shoaler,

As I write this letter the leaves are turning and Star is busy with activity to prepare for its winter sleep. Memories of colors of the sea, the rocks and the hotel, against the bright blue, or maybe gray skies, will have to get us through until next year.

By any measure we have completed another successful season. The island looked great all summer and represents a fitting tribute to Vicky Hardy’s efforts for the past five seasons. Vicky will be wrapping things up this month and heading for Seattle by month’s end.
And as we say goodbye to Vicky we welcome to our new CEO, Joe Watts. An experienced Pel/Shoaler in a new role. As usual these are exciting times!

With our collective participation we have met our occupancy goals and are well on our way to meeting our financial objectives for 2012. All the staff have made this success possible.

Now it’s our turn to reach our 2012 goals. As you know the combined Capital and Annual Fund effort is the last piece of our financial puzzle. The support of our entire Shoaler Community is what makes our island sustainable.

As we close the 2012 year we would love to see every member of the Star Island Community on the 2012 Donor List.  With your help we will make and even surpass our fundraising goal and ensure the sustainability of our spirits home. Please support your community so our kids and grandkids can create their own collection of fond memories of Star.


Russell A. Peterson, President of the Board
