Monthly Archives: March 2007

On the Island

Natural History Conference Update

NHC has confirmed their boat times—conferees will depart Rye on June 23 at 2:00 p.m. and depart Star on June 30 at 8:15 a.m. (These times supersede those listed in the Blue Book; please confirm all times with your registrar before traveling.) In addition, NHC has extended their application postmark date to May 1, 2007…. Read more >

On the Island

Chapel Access Improvement Plan Update

This letter was recently mailed to Shoalers who expressed an interest in the 2007 Chapel project. Dear Star Island Community Member, In January, I informed you that Star Island Corporation will be adding a second means of egress to our historic chapel building. We have now finalized a plan for this project and are excited… Read more >