Monthly Archives: July 2007

On the Island

Pel Banquet Raises nearly $9,000 for Star Island

Star Island’s sense of community was evident on the eve of the Island’s opening as nearly two dozen Pels volunteered their time to put on the first ever off-island banquet to raise money for the Annual Fund. And when it was over, the Annual Fund had nearly $9,000 more. The event at South Church in… Read more >

On the Island

Search for New Star Island Executive Begins

This message posted on behalf of Brad Greeley, President. I am sorry to let you know that our Executive Director, Amy Lockwood, has resigned her position as of August 3rd for personal reasons. We are saddened at her leaving but the Board was pleased to accept her offer of continuing to consult with us during… Read more >

On the Island

Boston Globe visits Star Island

Reporter Sarah Schweitzer and photographer Jason Johns visited Star Island last week and the result is a front tramadol online delivery page article in today’s Boston Globe!

On the Island

2007 Star Island Personal Retreat Details

PDF documents available for download: Personal Retreat Registration Form (this is for reference—reservations will be taken by phone, see below for details) and Personal Retreat Information Sheet We are incredibly pleased to be able to offer this time as an opportunity for personal retreats at Our Spirit’s Home. This is wonderful news on so many… Read more >

On the Island

Star Island to Open its Doors!

Star Island Personal Retreats Personal Retreats on Star Island will begin on Sunday, July 22nd—details are now available and we are taking reservations. A message from Amy Lockwood, Executive Director. This information is also available as a PDF media release. As you know, we have been working closely with the Rye Fire Department and New… Read more >

On the Island

Work at Star Island to Enhance Life Safety Ongoing

Island Life Continues for Pelicans in the spirit of the original Gosport Shoalers. (This is a Star Island Media Release) Isles of Shoals, NH—Work at Star Island to enhance life safety is ongoing under the direction of safety engineers who are on island regularly to execute a plan being devised by fire officials and Star… Read more >

On the Island

July 10th Update from Star Island

An update from Amy Lockwood, Executive Director Work at Star Island continues as we direct our energies toward conducting and completing electrical work which will make our island safer for conferees and visitors alike. During this period, the island remains closed to overnight guests. Our goal is to reopen in early August. We will reassess… Read more >

On the Island

Favorite Place on Star Island?

A video by Dustin Fleming, featuring “YRUU Star kids past and present speaking out about levitra over the counter their favorite place on Star Island.” Star Island Favorite Place