Monthly Archives: November 2009

Neighbors in the Shoals

Star Island Stories

We are proud to introduce a new section dedicated to Stories from Shoalers. The initial collection includes pieces by Edie and Steve Whitney, Alec Lowry, Joe Pescatello, Joan M. Strickland Johnson, C.E.V. Jenkins, and Lois Kenick. They span many years of Star Island’s history that include memories of a first week on Star Island in… Read more >

Neighbors in the Shoals

Shoalers in the News

Chair of the Star Island Permanent Trust and All Star I conferee David Yermack authored an article for the Wall Street Journal that appeared on the front page of October 10th’s Weekend Journal. Writers in the Round conferee Kate Leigh and Photography Retreat Conferee Sarah Flause will be displaying their works of Isles of Shoals… Read more >

Neighbors in the Shoals

Isles of Shoals Featured on Windows to the Wild

An up-coming Windows to the Wild show about the Isles of Shoals will air on New Hampshire Public Television for four times in November, beginning on Thursday, November 5th at 8:00 p.m. The show introduces viewers to scientists and students dedicated to preserving and studying the Isles of Shoals. Broadcast times for this episode: Thu,… Read more >