Come to the Council of Conferences!
Would you like to be more engaged with the wider Star Island community and to share and learn about best practices with other conferences? If so, please attend the Council of Conferences meeting!
October 19, 2019
South Church Unitarian Universalist, Portsmouth, NH
292 State St. Portsmouth NH 03801
10 am – 4:00 pm
As stated in its Charter, the mission of the Council of Conferences is:
- To share ideas and best practices among the various conferences that meet on Star Island
- To study issues and make recommendations to the full Star Island Board, at its request
- To have members that are receptive and open to ideas, have perspective and vision, are familiar with the Star Island, can give the necessary time, and think in terms of Star Island citizenship.
The Fall 2019 meeting will offer opportunities to celebrate each conference’s strengths and discover new ways to address challenges. We hope that Shoalers from every conference – large and small; adult, youth, and multi-generational – will attend, so that our collective wisdom will be deep and mighty!
See you in There!