On the Island

Birding with Eric Masterson

Each spring and fall season, Eric Masterson leads birding expeditions to Star Island. The group records the many species of birds sighted during the trip and Eric gives fascinating talks about them. We’re pleased to share the following recording of a lecture given by Eric this July on Zoom. Enjoy!

Eric studied zoology at University College Dublin before moving to the US in 1999. He works for the Harris Center in Hancock NH, where he manages the organization’s 23,000 acres of conservation land.

He is the author of Birdwatching in New Hampshire, a best-selling guide to birding in the Granite State, and is working on a second book about bird migration, as told through the journey of the Broad-winged Hawk.

Eric is a regular guest on New Hampshire Public Radio, serves on the New Hampshire Rare Bird Committee and is a seasonal editor for the quarterly journal New Hampshire Bird Records.