
Last Call: A Star Steward Bids Farewell

by Angela Matthews, Director of Development

There it was – my last season on Star Island – the start of Natural History Week and the echoes and harmonies of the Arts conference morning singers are only just fading. Arise – arise – open your eyes! Arise and greet the day. It is of course how each of us should live every day. And a whiff of salt air certainly helps the disposition. In fact a turn-of-the- 19th-century cure involving sitting in salt caves seems entirely sensible sitting in the middle of the ocean. My health and wellness is amply buoyed by the scents of salt arising from the sea around me.

Jim Cerny photo

Jim Cerny photo

Through the ups and downs of the past six years – and certainly more ups than downs – I am deeply grateful for this time we have had together. Look at all we’ve done. None of it would have been possible without you. Those of us who work here come and go. But you – the island residents – are here forever. If you ever doubt that go stand in the corridor between Elliott and Lawrance. These ancestors are as present as you are. Their essence lives on Star just as yours will. You are each a link in that unbroken chain of the Star lineage – of Star Stewards.

As December approached rapidly and clearly on the horizon I am fully aware of the adjustments I will have to make to a very different life. And it is a real and constant challenge of managing demanding pairs of polar emotions that always come with beginnings and endings. The experienced soul knows that it’s an internal journey not an external one. I have to remind myself of that every day as I live the joys and sadness of the leaving – of ending.

I feel my own place as a link in the unbroken chain of Star Stewards and I am comforted in knowing I played a small part at a critical moment in time. We each do and it is at once humbling as it is invigorating. Star was. Star is. Star shall be. Like an eternal flame we fuel and sustain it generation after generation because we have to.

I’ve heard the stories of those who come and go and I am struck by one thing. No one has ever come to the work on Star thinking, I wonder how I can screw this up. Everyone comes with their best game – with their greatest love – with their purest dreams. Whether or not it ends well is not the point. Everyone wants to do their best. For me this is the most amazing lesson of Star. We are a very strong and vibrant family and we have great expectations. Every one of us has great expectations. And though we are not perfect, our intentions are. Adding a little forgiveness to the equation will relieve us of unnecessarily reliving times of conflict.

Last year, when I announced my plan to retire at the end of 2014 I couldn’t help but think that December was a long way off. Now, here it is. Welcome the new director of development with new traditions and freshness of spirit and love for Star and the knowing that anything is possible when we join our spirits and our energies. Star’s sustainability rests upon the enduring commitment – the stewardship – of every single shoaler. Please take a place on that team. Fare thee well in every sense of what that expression means. And great gratitude for all that you have meant to me.


Star Island Corporation

Star Island Office Closed for Holidays

Star Island’s mainland offices will be closed for the holiday season starting Wednesday, December 24, 2014 and going through Thursday, January 1, 2015.

While the office is closed, staff will be collecting the mail so that end of year donations may be collected and deposited. We also encourage people to donate online to ensure your gifts are received before the end of the year. Click here to make an online donation.

Staff may be checking email throughout the holiday season, or taking days off that fall beyond the days off listed above. Thank you for your understanding and patience as our staff enjoys some family and personal time during this season.


Veteran’s Raffle Winner Announced


On Monday, December 15, Star Island drew a winning name from over 110 entries for a free week-long stay on Star Island during the 2015 summer. The winner, Thomas McNaugher of McLean, VA, is an Army veteran who served in Vietnam and the first Gulf War.

“Star Island offers this modest gesture to express our deep appreciation of our veterans, which are such a worthy group to celebrate. This is our expression of gratitude for how much our veterans – including Mr. McNaugher – have given to all of us,” said Star Island CEO Joe Watts.

The second annual Veteran’s Raffle included entries from across the country. The entries represented people who have never been to Star Island and those who have been coming to Star Island for many years. McNaugher is one of those entries with some Star history. McNaugher wins a free week’s stay on Star Island this coming summer for him and his family.

“I’ve been coming to Star Island since 1992 when I was invited to speak at the International Affairs Conference. I fell in love with the place and IA’s wonderful people, and can’t imagine a summer without Star,” said McNaugher, currently a Senior Visiting Professor and Director of Studies with Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program.

Star Island’s Veteran’s Raffle provides a free week’s stay on Star to the winning veteran and his or her family. In 2013, the first Veteran’s Raffle winners were Brian Morrow of Addison, IL and Melissa Bailey of San Antonio, TX.

Star Island is one of the Isles of Shoals about an hour’s boat ride off the New Hampshire coast. Since 1897, people have gathered on Star for multi-generational conferences and programs that aim to understand the world as it might ideally be. Consistent with the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ, the non-profit Star Island provides a spiritual retreat location where all are welcome.

Click here to learn more about the Veteran’s Raffle



Be Part of the 2014 Annual Fund

Sharon Kennedy Giving Tuesday

December is the perfect time to make that year-end gift to Star Island because it’s the last chance you’ll have to be part of the 2014 Annual Fund! So, take a moment right now and give by clicking here and be part of the community that makes Star Island so uniquely special – a community of spirit that frees all who come to renew spiritually, explore matters of consequence, and gain knowledge about the world as it might ideally be. Now, that’s a vision worth our support.

There are as many reasons to give as there are Star donors. Grandparents like Sharon and Tom Kennedy want Star to be here for their grandchildren’s grandchildren. They and others talk of funding our financial aid program, honoring somebody important to us, appreciating our community, maintaining and improve our facilities … the list goes on. Your contribution is vitally important for our present to remain strong, and our future bright.

Click here to join the 2014 Annual Fund


If you have not yet pledged or given, now is the perfect time to do so. Please join in supporting a place and purpose that our world needs now. With Star Spirit and deepest gratitude for your abundant spirit.

Star Island Corporation

Star Island Holiday Gift Guide Released

Last year we scoured the Isles of Shoals for a selection of the perfect holiday gifts, and compiled them in a unique online catalog replete with ideas for everyone on your shopping list. This year, we’ve done the same. Introducing the 2014 Star Island Holiday Gift Guide. You may have thought we couldn’t do it again, but oh we have. This exquisitely curated gift catalog highlights the most sought after and hard to find gifts alongside classic gifts suitable for nearly anyone.

Once you’ve viewed the catalog, you can purchase your gift here.

Star Island Holiday Gift Guide

Click on the cover below to see the 2014 issue


Click here to view last year’s catalog.

Star Island Corporation

Star Island Gift Certificates Available

Star Island Gift Certificate Image‘Tis the season to get all flustered by wrapping gifts and matching tissue paper to gift bags. Such a pain, right? Problem solved. ‘Tis the gift of Star Island. But how are you going to give the gift of Star Island. Simple: a gift certificate.

Purchase a Star Island Gift Certificate

There’s no need to wrap this piece of magic for the holiday season. Star Island is bursting with so much energy we’re surprised we can even contain that energy within a gift certificate. Yet contain it we have.

Need help purchasing a gift certificate? Here are some pointers:

With a Computer

  • Open your preferred web browser (even if you’re still using a dial-up connection — we don’t judge)
  • Type the following link into the address bar: (or copy and paste the link depending on your computer skill level). Alternatively, you may also click here and skip the next step.
  • Click enter
  • When the page loads type in the number of gift certificates you would like in the boxes next to the value(s) you would like.
  • Click on the “continue” button.
  • Enter your information into the appropriate boxes.
  • Click on the “continue” button.
  • Enter your credit card infomration into the appropriate boxes.
  • Click on the “pay now” button.
  • Wait by your mailbox until the gift certificate arrives (make sure to bring some hot coco or mulled cider with you, though).

With a Homing Pigeon

  • Acquire a homing pigeon if you do not already have one and provide it with directions to 30 Middle Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
  • Write a note on parchment in your finest handwriting expressing your desire to procure a gift certificate. Please include the amount the gift certificate should be. Notes should be written in iambic pentameter.
  • The note should also include your credit card information including expiration date and the 3-digit number on the reverse of the card. You can alternatively write a phone number down for us to call you to receive the credit card information.
  • Place the note in the pigeon’s carrying case.
  • Set the pigeon on its course to the Star Island office.
  • Wait for the homing pigeon to return with the requested gift certificate.

Gift certifcates should be ordered by December 18 to be in the mail before Christmas.


Our #GivingTuesday Posts

We greatly enjoyed participating in #GivingTuesday, and the response we received is empowering. The amount you gave increased and the number of people giving also increased over last year. We’re already planning for 2015.

Of particular note this year were the posts we shared on Facebook and Twitter of some of our Shoalers. These Shoalers provided a sentence or two about why they give to Star Island, or why Star Island is important in their lives. You’re right in thinking those two questions are asking the same thing. To celebrate another succesful #GivingTuesday, we’ve gathered the six posts we made. We hope you enjoy looking at them together, and maybe they’ll inspire you to act on the opportunity to give. Click here for a story from the Portsmouth Herald which quotes CEO Joe Watts on the importance of #GivingTuesday.

Also, it’s never too late to particiapte in giving — you can click here to donate to the Star Island Annual Fund.

Peter Squires Giving Tuesday
Debbie Duval Giving Tuesday
Drew Bush Sara Lewis Giving Tuesday
Tara Kelly Giving Tuesday
Joe Watts Giving Tuesday
Sharon Kennedy Giving Tuesday


What Your Support Has Provided

The generosity that makes Star Island thrive saw many milestones in 2014. Here’s a list of projects and accomplishments made possible by donations of time and money over this past year:

  • The biggest operating gain in the history of the organization
  • A grant from the Samuel P. Hunt Foundation supporting the restoration and re-dedication of the John Smith Monument and improvements to trail access.
  • A season-long commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Capt. John Smith’s mapping and naming of New England. This map is first to include and name the Isles of Shoals.
  • An occupancy total of 19,378 bednights that exceeded our budgeted goal by 128.
  • The installation of a solar array and repurposing of the diesel powerhouse to a solar system control and distribution center.
  • Energy load reduction of 50,000 kW due to efficiencies gained through new equipment and systems.
  • Purchasing two new 80 kW diesel generators with a heat recovery system diverting waste heat from the engine to generate hot water for use in the hotel.
  • Elimination of 1,000,000 BTU’s of steam boiler capacity with installation of Steibel Eltron heat pumps.
  • Keeping tabs on our water usage with a visual display on the porch that tracked use from week to week.

To help Star Island continue succeeding for future generations, click here to support the Star Island Annual Fund.

Thank You!


Support Star Island on #GivingTuesday


For the second year in a row, Star Island is a proud partner in #GivingTuesday. This day highlights the importance of giving back, and giving to organizations that are meaningful to you. Star Island, like many other non-profits, relies on donations to continue its mission. Our recent solar array installation and other sustainability efforts are one of several projects that people directly impact when choosing to donate to Star Island.

Click here to support Star Island

#GivingTuesday is a grassroots movement that started three years ago out of New York City. It has quickly grown into an international event which sees great involvement from people on social media providing reasons why they gave to important causes or organizations.

Star’s main goal on #GivingTuesday is to draw focus to our Annual Fund, and end-of-year giving. Gifts to the Annual Fund support all aspects of Star Island’s mission from purchasing new mattresses to offering guidance for conference leaders. Each donation, no matter the monetary value, goes a long way to sustaining a welcoming community each summer on Star Island.

To learn more about Star Island’s goals with #GivingTuesday, please click here.


Generosity from All Ages Supports a Thriving Star Island

Walking to Dock

The spirit of generosity is abundant and obvious on Star Island. You see it everywhere in improvements to accessibility, sustainability, livability and more. And nowhere is it clearer than when a child donates her week’s snack bar allowance because she wants to earn a jewel for her name badge that shows she cares about Star Island.

Or when Senior Teens conduct a service project because this is what they can give to support capital projects. Or in an eight-year-old child’s face as she stands at the dining room microphone, having been appointed Chief Polar Bear and wearing the coveted polar bear hat, and announces the daily polar plunge tallies. Shoalers dig deep to serve, to volunteer, to give.

Click here to donate to Star Island


There are only a few weeks left in 2014 to express our gratitude for the many gifts Star gives to us – the gift of time with life-long friends and family in a most remarkable community and breath-taking setting; the gift of laughter; the gift of loving community in which to share life’s markers both joyous and painful; the gift of reflection in morning and evening chapel; the gift of music and music making; the gift of a safe environment in which children learn, grow, and become confidently independent; the gift of talents and wisdom freely shared; the gift of sunrises and sunsets witnessed from a rocker on the Oceanic’s front porch.

All of this is only and entirely made possible through your support. Great gratitude for you commitment and your generosity. Click here to give now or return your gift in the envelope provided with the recent Fall Appeal mailing.