Spring 2024

Inside this issue: 2024 island theme: GROWTH! Star Island News Intentional Welcome

Spring 2023

Inside this issue: 2023 island theme: KINDNESS! Star Island News and Events Intentional Welcome

Spring 2022

Inside this issue: New Star Island Anthem! Star Island News and Events Intentional Welcome Shoaler Profile – Lois Williams

Spring 2021

Inside this issue: Star Island News & Events Our Community of Care Trying a New Conference Beloved Community, Remembered Kid’s Countdown Chain!

Spring 2018

Inside this issue: Star Island News & Events SEA Star: Educating Students About the Isles of Shoals Creating the Future of Wastewater Remembering the Last Village on Star Island Kid’s Countdown Chain! What’s on Deck

Spring 2017

Inside this issue: Star Island News & Updates Corporation Four Year Strategic Map 2017-2020 An Interview with Alexandra de Steiger Green Gosport Initiative Update

Spring 2016

Inside this issue: Star Island News & Updates 140 Years at Sea: The Oceanic Hotel on Star Island Sun and Star, by Jack Farrell, Director of Facilities Star Island’s Three Meeting Houses, by Lois Williams

Summer 2015

Inside this Issue: Ribbon Cutting Celebrates 100 years, Solar Array by Kyle M. Belmont, Program & Outreach Coordinator Over a Century of Dining at the Oceanic Hotel by Lois Williams, All Star 1 Conferee How our Water Flows – infographic New Star – poem by Kate Leigh, Portsmouth Poet Laureate Green Competition Educates Guests, Staff… Read more >

Winter 2015

Inside this Issue: Last Call: A Star Steward Bids Farewell by Angela Matthews, Retiring Director of Development Strategic Planning Sustains Island’s Future by Nick Dembsey, Board Member & Strategic Facilities Planning Committee Liason Bright Future Begins With Solar Array by Kyle Belmont, Program & Outreach Coordinator How Our Gardens Grow — an infographic by Kyle… Read more >

Winter 2014

Inside this Issue: The Power of Financial Aid by Sally Russell, Board Member Three Year Map Reinforces Our Mission and Vision by Joe Watts, CEO Star Map: South Rocks by Ellen Taylor, Writers in the Round Star Map: Summer House by Emily Cann, Pelican Reunion Star Map: Lawrance by Karen Ellis, Star Gathering 1 &… Read more >