Your first steps on Star Island this summer are one step closer now that registration is open. From those first moments of conversation on the boat, to workshop discussions budging into lunch — your favorite Star Island moments are a handful of months away. We invite you to register now to help those volunteers planning and leading conferences prepare for you.
Our season opens in June with opportunities for people looking to deepen their knowledge about topics like natural history and the arts. You’ll find time to learn coupled with time to connect. All the while you’ll discover, maybe for the first time or the fiftieth time, that the simplicity of the island’s time, kept by lapping waves, provides the warmth you need to recharge.
As we move further into summer our traditional family conferences blossom on the island with playful energy. Theme talks about world issues entertain the minds of those gathered in rooms like Elliott Hall, while youth groups engage with Island staff to learn about history, the environment, and sustainability. The island community comes together for intergenerational activities like softball games on the front lawn, meals in the dining hall, and chapel services.
When September arrives with its earlier setting sun, Star Island plays host to a large number of conferences with varied topics. You can find yourself learning a new yoga position, or uncovering a new historical fact about New England, or delighting in the simple pleasures of a musical performance.
No matter your connection to the island, you belong here. We have a few months to get ready, but know that your arrival is meaningful to us. Registering today helps make our community stronger because you will be part of it.
Discover for yourself what conferences to attend by visiting our program list. We look forward to seeing you on Star Island this summer.