
Remembering Bill Clegg

The Star Island community mourns the passing of Bill Clegg, former president of Star Island Corporation and affectionately referred to as “Mayor of Star Island,” who passed away on Friday, June 3, 2011.

A memorial for Bill will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 19, at Karen, Garrett, and Sarah Mills’ place at 205 North Farms Road, Coventry, CT 06238.

All are welcome—friends, family, extended community—to come share in honoring Bill, to join in the festivities, and to share in any way you are inspired, whether it is by sharing a story or song with the whole group, bringing a photo, painting, a written story, or favorite recipe for the memory book—or simply by your presence. We look forward to seeing you to honor Bill and his life.

Please RSVP at the latest by June 15 to Ellen Clegg at ellen@foundsounds.com.

Deb Weiner has shared some of her memories of Bill:

Bill was jokingly known, to some of his friends, as “The Mayor of Star Island” during the time when he was President of the Star Island Corporation. He understood what a small, inbred ‘town’ Star was, and viewed his role as President as one akin to being the Mayor of a small village: keep the peace, help move the economy in productive ways, perform good works to advance the position of the town, shake hands with visitors and newcomers, honor the history of the community.

He was a very, very good Mayor, and — in my opinion — helped to save Star Island from possible bankruptcy during his Presidency, through his dogged work, determination, and good management skills. All of us who visit Star for a day, a week, or a lifetime should take a moment to say a small word of thanks to Bill for helping to ensure that the place has remained open and available for us to visit: it was not a given that this would be so.

The full text can be found at Deb Weiner’s blog.