Summer 2014 has seen many developments towards a more sustainable Star Island. From simple changes to major overhauls, this has been a year of greening.
From the start of the summer, Star Island has been operating with a number of habits already in place. For example, we rely on rain collection for a portion of our water. New endeavors include encouraging guests and staff to bring beverages in aluminum cans to help with recycling costs.
Star Island’s largest improvement in green initiatives is the installation of a solar array. This solar power system will provide approximately 60% of the island’s energy needs in 2015. The installation area has been cleared for future construction happening later this month and into October. Meanwhile, the former generator room in the Power House has been completely overhauled for battery storage.
Upgrades on Star Island also include installing dual-purpose equipment, or equipment with multiple benefits. For example, excess heat from generators is captured to heat water. Some of this water makes its way to the dish washing machine. Installed earlier this spring, the dish machine uses 1/3 less water than the previous machine. This reduction in water supports our sustainability in more ways than one as 1/3 less water used means 1/3 less water needed to be heated, and 1/3 less water going to the waste treatment facility.
If you were on Star this summer, you hopefully noticed our re-designed recylcing stations. We moved to single stream recylcing to ensure easier disposal. And, if you visited the Snack Bar this summer, any paper good or utensil you received was compostable.
In 2015, we look forward to continuing with our sustainability initiatives. And, we look forward to your help in these efforts as you return to the island or support or endeavors through donations or volunteering.