On the Island

Summer Volunteers Clock In

Spring Volunteer

Between April and October of 2013, Star Island benefited from over 10,000 hours of volunteer work. Working on projects as varied as painting walls, mending furniture, and serving dinner, volunteers are an integral part to Star Island’s community atmosphere.

Volunteer help on Star Island occurs in so many ways. Here are some examples from this past season:


  • Chopping vegetables in the kitchen — kitchen total hours: 442
  • Folding bed linens — housekeeping total hours: 715
  • Washing dinner dishes — dish room total hours: 195
  • Leading science experiments in the Marine Lab — Rutledge Marine Lab total hours: 825.5
  • Weeding in the vegetable gardens — gardening total hours: 949



Volunteers participated in nearly every department including our maintenance crew, front desk, conference services, truck, and snack bar.

Some efforts on the island are entirely volunteer based. For example, an annual paint crew repainted the interior of Cottage E this past spring, as well as the lobby walls. During the last days of September, another paint team scraped and repainted the basement bathroom floors. In total, these paint crews volunteered for 852 hours. We shared an earlier story about a volunteer team renovating the Art Barn.

So much of what happens on Star Island is thanks to volunteer efforts. While our 10,000+ hours of volunteer work is impressive, our affiliated organizations also rely on volunteers. Summer conferences and programs are organized by volunteer committees, and the Isles of Shoals Association, UU and Star Island UCC are volunteer led.

To learn more about how vital volunteering is for Star Island, check out our fall newsletter. This issue, including an essay by Rev. Dave Scheuneman, focused on various ways of giving to the island .

Thank you volunteers!


Starry Night 2013 – Featured Crafter – Paulette Semprini

Starry Night starts at 5:30 PM on November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Join us for this evening of crafts, discussion, entertainment and food. Purchase your tickets in advance.

Starry Night’s craft exhibit includes jewelry created by Paulette Semprini:

Paulette Semprini Jewelery 1The jewelry designs of Paulette d. Semprini reflect the diversity and inspirations of coastal living. She has created a contemporary collection of pieces that are classic, fun and uninhibited. The elegance and shades in each stone are inspired by the sea, sand and jetties that cover the shorelines and harbors of the east coast. Its look and design free every woman to be bold and daring in a simple way. Pieces need not match, while providing a pop of color and style, discerning women find most satisfying. “I have spent my life sailing from Long Island to Maine. Surrounded by the water every day since my childhood has provided a compelling appreciation for nature’s ability to influence our life style and attitudes.” – Paulette


Paulette Semprini Jewelery 2
Paulette Semprini Jewelery 3


Starry Night 2013 – Featured Crafter – Joe Watts III

Starry Night starts at 5:30 PM on November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Join us for this evening of crafts, discussion, entertainment and food. Purchase your tickets in advance.

Joe Watts Wooden Bowls 3

Starry Night’s craft exhibit includes wooden bowls created by Joe Watts III:

My name is Joe Watts and I’m a wood turner in Grantham, NH. I’ve been turning random-edge burl bowls for 12 years. I gather my own burls and I built my own lathe. I have shown my work in 4 different galleries and my work was recently featured at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center – Main Rotunda. E-mail joewatts533@comcast.net for more information or pricing – Please mention “Burl” in your e-mail subject line. Thank-you!

Joe Watts Wooden Bowls 2 Joe Watts Wooden Bowls 1


Starry Night 2013 – Featured Crafter – Sarah O’Connor

Starry Night starts at 5:30 PM on November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Join us for this evening of crafts, discussion, entertainment and food. Purchase your tickets in advance.

Starry Night’s craft exhibit includes glass beads created by Sarah O’Connor:

Sarah OConnor Glass Beads 1I am a glass worker and jack of all trades who often works with my partner (a professional blacksmith) to create everything from exact historical reproductions to modern whimsy. We live on a homestead in northern Vermont with a variety of horses, chickens, and goats. All our crafts are produced by hand, often with non-electric traditional tools.

Sarah OConnor Glass Beads 2 Sarah OConnor Glass Beads 3


Starry Night 2013 – Featured Crafter – Diane Terragni

Starry Night starts at 5:30 PM on November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Join us for this evening of crafts, discussion, entertainment and food. Purchase your tickets in advance.

Starry Night’s craft exhibit includes colorful jewelry created by Diane Terragni:

Diane Terragni Funky Jewelery 3Fun Fakes and Funky Findings is the brainchild of Diane Terragni. By combining unusual components that she carefully selects, the results are bold, bohemian and one-of-a-kind. Diane never considered herself an artist but always a craftswoman. Today, she demonstrates that the art of jewelry and scarf making is a subjective expression of one’s authenticity. It takes a powerful woman to wear these designs. One who is making a statement that she supports the arts and has the confidence to wear a bold piece. Diane also collaborates with and supports other local artists by using their original lampwork beads and sophisticated hand forged finds

Diane Terragni Funky Jewelery 1 Diane Terragni Funky Jewelery 2


Starry Night 2013 – Featured Crafter – Roberta Horsman

Starry Night starts at 5:30 PM on November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Join us for this evening of crafts, discussion, entertainment and food. Purchase your tickets in advance.

Starry Night’s craft exhibit includes wheat weavings and herbs created by Roberta Horsman:

Roberta Horsman Wheat Weaving 1Welcome to Roberta’s Herbs! The herbal products I create are for skin care, pain relief, and energy balancing. Plants used in product preparation are organically grown and sustainably harvested. In addition to the plants I grow, Middle Earth Farm in Amesbury, MA and Zack Woods Herb Farm in Hyde Park, VT are both good friends and growers as well. Please browse the site, shop online, and feel free to contact me at info@robertasherbs.com 978-384-8055 with any questions. I’ll be teaching wheat weaving at the upcoming Women’s Herbal Conference. Wheat Weaving is an ancient, cross-cultural tradition, dating back to Egyptian times. House Blessings were woven from the last sheaf of wheat harvested from the field to capture the spirit of the wheat.

Roberta Horsman Herbs 1 Roberta Horsman Wheat Weaving 2

On the Island

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science Returns for 2014

Star Island welcomes back the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science for summer 2014 during the week of Saturday, August 2 to Saturday, August 9. Karl E. Peters, co-chair of the 2014 IRAS program said, “IRAS looks forward to celebrating its 60th anniversary on Star, where it was founded.”


IRAS and Star Gathering II will share this week in 2014. Leaders from both groups are meeting throughout the year to diligently plan how best to maximize the experience for both groups including a combined youth program and even details like coordinating lunch time grace.

Star Gathering II Family Conference leaders Jenny and Warren Giering said, “Star Gathering 2 welcomes IRAS back to Star Island. We look forward to sharing the island spiritually, artistically, intellectually and socially.”

In its 60th year, IRAS turns to the theme of Science and Religion in a Globalizing World with the following confirmed speakers:

  • Nancy Abrams, University of California, Santa Cruz (attorney and cultural philosopher).
  • Zain Bagir, Director of the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (religion, science and technology).
  • Whitney Bauman, Florida International University (religion, science, and globalization).
  • Willem B. Drees, University of Leiden, Editor of Zygon (interactions between religious convictions and practices, and contemporary culture, modern science and technology).
  • Sarah Fredericks, University of North Texas University (religion, technology, and sustainability).
  • James Haag, Suffolk University (naturalism and religion).
  • Mark Juergensmeyer, University of California, Santa Barbara, Director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies (sociology, religion and politics, religious violence).
  • Karl E. Peters, Rollins College emeritus (evolution and religion).
  • Joel Primack, University of California, Santa Cruz, Director of the University of California system-wide High-Performance AstroComputing Center (theoretical cosmology).
  • Michael Ruse, Florida State University, Director of the History and Philosophy of Science Program (philosophy of biology).
  • Lea Schweitz, Director, Zygon Center for Religion and Science, Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago (humanity’s relation to God and nature).
  • Dennis Moon, Senior Minister, South Church UCC, Granby, CT–daily Chapel Speaker


Learn more about IRAS and Star Gathering II.

Conference Updates

2014 Program Calendar – Early Release

If you are anything like us, you’re probably already looking forward to summer 2014. But when should you visit Star Island next summer? Here’s the answer: all the time. Okay, so maybe you have your traditional week or two for visiting and you’d like to know when those are? Easy. Here are the dates for our main season 7-day programs:

Star Arts – Saturday, June 14 to Saturday, June 21
Meditation 1 – Saturday, June 14 to Saturday, June 21
Natural History Conference – Saturday, June 21 to Saturday, June 28
Youth Empowerment & Spirituality – Saturday, June 21 to Saturday, Jun 28
All Star 1 Family Conference – Saturday, June 28 to Saturday, July 5
All Star 2 Family Conference – Saturday, July 5 to Saturday, July 12
Lifespan Religious Education – Saturday, July 12 to Saturday, July 19
International Affairs – Saturday, July 19 to Saturday, July 26
Star Gathering 1 Family & Youth Conferences – Saturday, July 26 to Saturday, August 2
Star Gathering 2 Family & Youth Conferences – Saturday, August 2 to Saturday, August 9
Institute on Religion in an Age of Science – Saturday, August 2 to Saturday, August 9
Life on a Star 1 Family Conference – Saturday, August 9 to Saturday, August 16
Life on a Star 2 Family Conference – Saturday, August 16 to Saturday, August 23

Check StarIsland.org out in early December for a more complete list of all summer 2014 programs and registration information.

On the Island

Gosport Regatta Results

The Fourth Annual Gosport Regatta set sail on Saturday, September 28 with 36 boats racing within four divisions. Star Island played host to spectators, racers and overnight guests with live entertainment provided by the Funky Divas during the race day.

BELMONT Regatta 5-2
After watching the boat race from the Thomas Laighton, spectators made their way to Star and enjoyed a bbq dinner while watching the awards ceremony in the Oceanic Hotel Dining hall.

Overnighters were treated to a Jazz Brunch on Sunday morning with music by the Brown & White band.

The Gosport Regatta is held in partnership between Star Island and the Piscataqua Sailing Association with race day sponsor Eastern Bank.

The 2014 Gosport Regatta is scheduled for Saturday, September 20.

Winners from the 2013 Gosport Regatta

Appledore Island – Cruising Class

(10 boats)

Handicap: 186-309


  • Mad Max
  • Kokopelli
  • Aracati


Star Island – Cruising class

(12 boats)

Handicap: 129-179


  • Chrisma
  • Valkyrie
  • Artemis


White Island – Racing Class

(7 boats)

Handicap: 126-192


  • Vox
  • Fruitcakes
  • Thora


Smuttynose Island – Racing Class

(7 boats)

Handicap: 18-90


  • Hafa Adai
  • Saga
  • Ubuntu



Oceanic Cup

Portsmouth Yacht Club

Three fastest boats: Barefoot Children, Ubuntu, Veladare


Bedded Bliss

With 274 guest mattresses on island, Star works tirelessly to make sure visitors get to rest comfortably when tired. Conference Center Director Justina Maji explains the maintenance process:

  • Our crew goes around the island physically and visually inspecting each mattress. Mattresses are rated from 1 (absolutely needs replacement) to 5 (excellent and beautiful).
  • Working within our budget, we replace all mattresses rated 1, usually all of the 2’s, and possibly some of the 3’s.

While lying on each bed on island can be fun, staff enjoy riding the new mattresses out to the island during an early spring boat run more.
