
Bakin’ Bits

Star Island’s bakery provides hand crafted bread and desserts for island guests every day of the week. While our non-profit mission says nothing about making sure we are filled with cupcakes and cookies, we are so glad to have a bakery staff continuously creating such delectable treats throughout the years.

Here are some scenes from the Star Island bakery in 2013:

Star Island Bakery 9 Star Island Bakery 8 Star Island Bakery 7 Star Island Bakery 6 Star Island Bakery 5 Star Island Bakery 4 Star Island Bakery 3 Star Island Bakery 2 Star Island Bakery 1



Celebrating “I Have a Dream” on Star Island

At 3 pm on Wednesday, August 28, guests and staff gathered on the front porch of Star Island’s Oceanic Hotel to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech originally delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

The ceremony started with the ringing of Star Island’s chapel bell, which joined in a chorus of bells across New Hampshire to celebrate this moment. The bell ringing was followed by guests reading aloud King’s historic speech.

At the conclusion of the speech, a choir performed a traditional hymn involving all voices on the front porch. People then, as they were moved, went to the microphone and told stories of being at King’s speech in 1963, or continued singing.

Below are scenes from this afternoon’s event:

Star Island I Have a Dream 4 Star Island I Have a Dream 3 Star Island I Have a Dream 2 Star Island I Have a Dream 1


Staff Celebrate Garden Harvest

If you’ve been following us on twitter or instagram, you know that the Pelicans — our summer staff — have been working really hard on gardening this year. Rachel Worthington, our Sustainability Pelican, reports that we have harvested 300 pounds of produce so far this summer. She is hoping this year’s total yield will be 700 pounds.

To celebrate the great work our staff gardeners have done, mostly through volunteering after normal work hours, the Pelicans held a garden party in the Pel Garden overlooking White Island. The garden party meal included stuffed zucchini blossoms, fried eggplant, bruschetta, husk cherries (everyone’s new favorite fruit), a platter of assorted vegetables for dipping, two savory pies, and several loaves of zuchinni bread.

This year’s gardening efforts also include a potato patch behind Founders, adding several zucchini plants to the flower cutting garden behind the Elliott Memorial Building (staff housing), and raising 50 chickens.

Star Island Pelican Garden Party 1 Star Island Pelican Garden Party 2 Star Island Pelican Garden Party 3 Star Island Pelican Garden Party 4


Conference Updates

September Midweek Programs Offer Relaxation

Music in the Lobby 1

As September’s cool, brisk air navigates the transition between summer and autumn, Star Island plays host to mid-week gatherings with an unstructured design.

Geared towards a grown-up crowd with a penchant for relaxing, or simply needing a break from the bustle of mainland life, Midweek 1 and Midweek 2 provide just that. Rocking chairs on the front porch beckon an early riser to sit down and sip a cup of coffee while looking out over the front lawn. After the sun rises, wiggle into a row boat for a voyage around Gosport Harbor. Stop on Smuttynose Island for a short jaunt around the third largest of the Isles of Shoals. Back on Star, gather with others at lunch for a warming meal. Enjoy a conversation with a new friend as community highlights any stay on Star Island. Before dinner, investigate all the nooks on island. From historic graveyards to the Art Barn, Star Island public spaces are open for exploration.

Evening chapel services punctuate the night before guests are lulled to sleep by the sounds of waves lapping against Star Island’s rocky shore.

Register online today for either Midweek 1 or Midweek 2 and find Star Island to be New England’s unique summer island.

Conference Updates

Historic Star to Meet Queen Victoria

Star Island Guests Oceanic HotelMeet Queen Victoria on Star Island during the Historic Star Conference, taking place from August 24 to August 31 at the Isles of Shoals. As part of the living history programs offered, historian Sally Mummey will portray her royal highness in full regalia, drawing on the monarch’s letters and diaries for conversation.

As participants explore the theme of “Gaslight: the Victorian Era at the Isles of Shoals & Beyond,” they will witness the sometimes macabre but always fascinating mourning customs of the Victorians, and tour the graveyards of Star Island.

Other programs will contrast the amazing detail of 19th century clothing for the well-to-do with the life of workers in regional mills. Attendees will learn how this dichotomy was reflected in the lives of Gosport fishermen and resort hotel guests on the Shoals.

Several artistic workshops will be offered, including one on the Victorian art of seaweed pressing. Victorian-era rocking chairs will line the historic Oceanic Hotel porch, offering an amazing vista of the endless sea.

The general public is welcome to attend either the first 3 days or the full 7 days of the Historic Star conference. Participants will stay in the historic Oceanic Hotel and the surrounding buildings on Star Island. Registration is $65 per person for 3 days and $100 for 7 days. Room and board, including all meals and round-trip boat transportation from Portsmouth aboard the M/V Thomas Laighton, starts at $330 per person. Click here to register, or for more information.

The Pels

A Pelican Summer: Music Director

Sara Lewis

This is my first full season working on Star Island and it’s been amazing so far. I got introduced to the magic of this place through someone I was visiting last summer in 2012, and loved it so much I decided to apply to work here this summer. I was very pleased to be offered the position of music director — to get to play, arrange, direct, accompany, put shows together. These are many of the things I do in my normal life for fun, so the thought of getting paid to do them (not to mention on a gorgeous island) was pretty exciting. It’s a welcome change of pace from the craziness and the heat of summer in New York City, that’s for sure!

On a weekly basis my job here consists of accompanying hymns at chapel services in the mornings and evenings, depending on the needs of the conferences. I also organize a Pel Chorus, made up of all staff members. We rehearse a few times a week and perform in Pel Show, which I also organize. I make sure that all the acts are ready, and accompany or collaborate with performing Pels. It’s a lot of fun. Occasionally, the conferences need me for other things like playing at social hours, rehearsals, talent shows, etc. so I’m always available for those sorts of things as well. One of the nicest things about my job is the flexibility and the independence. There are a certain limited number of things I am needed for at specific times, like chorus rehearsals, chapels, and of course Pel Show — but more or less, I make my own hours the rest of the week. I can spend time practicing, playing piano in the lobby, organizing small rehearsals for Pel Show acts, organizing, cleaning, etc. It’s great! Sometimes if I don’t have enough to do I also help other crews.

I feel extremely fortunate to get to work in this beautiful, amazing place. The other Pels are wonderfully sweet people, I have a great supervisor, and everyone here is constantly working to protect the sacredness of Star Island. It’s a historical place that people have been coming to for almost centuries, and it’s meant a lot to many, many generations of people. The fondness that the longtime Shoalers have towards this place is incredibly contagious for a first-year like me, and I’m quite sure I will come back again and again. (I will come back! I will come back!)

~Sara Lewis

Apply to Be a Pelican!

Applications are now open to work on Star Island for the 2023 summer.

Start Your Pelican Application

Conference Updates

Star Island Experience Week

Star Island Sunset

Star Island welcomes guests to visit in late August to take part in the Star Island Experience Week via one of three special packages.

Register online today

Experience Week guests can take part in a variety of activities including:

  • Morning Meditations.
  • Learn about local fishing history and tales of mystery with Isles of Shoals history talks.
  • Nick Page leads guests in island-wide singing workshops.
  • On Tuesday, August 27 at 3 PM, celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
  • Join the Blue Ocean Society for a shore clean-up and learn about keeping the Gulf of Maine clean.
  • Watch a staff talent show in the Oceanic Hotel lobby.
  • Visit the Rutledge Marine Lab to explore Star Island’s natural history every day from 8 AM – 4 PM.
  • See Celia Thaxter’s original pottery and ephemera from Shoals history at the Vaughn Cottage Library and Thaxter Museum from 1-3 PM every day.

The Star Island Experience Week is purposefully planned for people with varying interests seeking a distinct vacation to remember for a lifetime. Register online today to take part in one of these unique 2013 packages.

Star Island Experience Lobby Photo

Rates for the early and late packages start at $382 per person for a double room. The full week package starts at $850 per person for a double room. Room and board rates include transportation aboard scheduled M/V Thomas Laighton ferries out of Portsmouth, housing, and all meals on island.

Conference Updates

Mindful Health Early Bird Discount

Register for Mindful Health by August 6 to receive 50% off room and board for this new program focused on healthy living at any age.

Mindful Health takes place from Sunday, September 8 to Thursday, September 12 and is coordinated by Dr. Lisa Nelson of the Kirpalu Healthy Living Program and Carrie Tyler of Rasamaya Yoga. Guests will take part in learning how to be healthy and vibrant at any age. Explore how a whole foods diet, mindful living, and movement are keystones to great health.

Register by August 6, 2013 to take advantage of this early bird discount. The 50% offer will be applied to your room and board bill on island.

Click here to register online today.

The Pels

A Pelican Summer: Bellhop Supervisor

Carrie Pope 1

My name is Carrie Pope and I am the Bellhop Supervisor at the Oceanic Hotel on Star Island. What does a bellhop do? It’s hard to list because there is so much! I have a fun and constantly changing job that requires you to move around a lot. Sometimes you use your brain to solve complicated and obscure situations which is great because using your brain is awesome! It’s also awesome because bellhops get to work with almost all the crews on island. We also keep things looking clean and tidy around the hotel and get to play mailman every morning (on business days).

Living on Star is like a dream. Sometimes I still can’t believe I get paid to work in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. There is always an astounding landscape to see and a cool ocean to jump into on hot days. Although the island may be small, there is always something to do. The modesty of Star makes it easy to participate in simple and fun things with your friends like playing cards, bocce ball, or just going for a walk. It’s awesome.

The true value of this place is reflected in the people that live and work here. The community life is unlike any other. I have come back for three summers in a row because I was hooked after my first year. I always wonder whether this place simply attracts awesome people or that being here makes people awesome. I have concluded that it must be both. Working here has changed my life in more ways than I can describe and I know people in this community will be part of my life for years to come. You get to know people in such a different and intimate way — away from technology and other mainland distractions — that is priceless in this day and age.

Apply to Be a Pelican!

Applications are now open to work on Star Island for the 2023 summer.

Start Your Pelican Application

Conference Updates

Let Freedom Ring on Star Island

On Wednesday, August 28, Star Island invites everyone on island — guests and staff — to gather at 3 PM as the chapel bell rings to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

Star Island - Irene Bush - People Around Chapel

Anyone who will be on Star Island at that time is welcome to attend the bell ringing and then a reading of King’s speech delivered by various island guests from the Oceanic Hotel’s front porch.

A reception on the front porch will follow.

The easiest way to be on Star Island for this event is to register for the Star Island Experience Week which welcomes overnight guests to partake in a number of activities and workshops that create the unique Star Island experience known to generations of families returning to the Isles of Shoals year after year.

Register online today for the Star Island Experience Week.